“More people want to be deltidsbrandmän”
“After last summer’s forest fires have several affected towns have seen an increase in the number of people who are interested in becoming deltidsbrandmän, reports Swedish Radio” Ekot.”
“Among other things, it can be seen in the Jämtland, Härjedalen, Dalarna and Norrland, where it has recruited ten new beredskapsbrandmän.”
“– In the current situation it looks good, we have full groups at all stations where we have deltidsbrandmän. As good as it looks now, it has not done in several years, ” says Peter Nystedt, räddningschef in Ljusdal, to the Echo.”
“But, according to Håkan Olofsson, ombudsman at Brandmännens association, there are still big challenges in other parts of the country, after many chose to resign 2017, in protest against the new conditions.”