The climate action ‘Sign for my Future’ is closed. The initiators of the project, a coalition of citizens, civil society organisations and business executives, have today a petition with more than 267.000 signatures to a delegation of politicians handed over.

The total 267.617 signatories to support three requirements: a legal embedding of the objective to Belgium climate neutral by 2050, a socially just investment plan that citizens and businesses are encourages to make the transition, and an independent klimaatraad of experts that the policies are followed.

Read also Belgium by 2050, CO2-neutral is technically possible, say academics

During the final event in Prince repeated VUB-klimaatonderzoeker Tomas Wyns, that it is possible to Belgium broeikasgasneutraal to make by 2050. Together with other scientists, he proposed a series of measures, such as the introduction of a deposit, additional forest plants, an investment plan drafting or the fuel card.