The ability to vote instead of pen and ballot paper with the phone or the PC, will be welcomed in a consultation, but as yet too little sure felt. It further tests are required.

The Federal Council wants to allow E-Voting after 15 years of Testing and approximately 300 Try in the ordinary course of business, as a third way next to the postal vote and going to the ballot box. The law on political rights should therefore be adapted accordingly.

need for fifth Switzerland

on Tuesday at the end of the consultation, the project pushes to understanding, namely, because E-Voting for Swiss abroad and Switzerland, meet a need and people with disabilities to Vote and make it easier to Choose. But even for those who is in favour of E-Voting in principle, is currently skeptical.

For SP, FDP, CVP, Green, GLP and BDP has priority, despite the openness to the digital way of security. The security situation in one of the solutions is unclear, writes the FDP. The Post underwent their System in February and March, a public intrusion test. This brought to light the critical error.

Too early for proper operation

The FDP holds a Transfer in the ordinary course of operation of E-Voting is premature. And the BDP calling for a continuation of the test operation. The CVP calls for a cautious approach. Against the Background of the vote stamped on the marriage penalties-Initiative had to be weighted, the security is even higher. Also for the SP an introduction to duration only comes into question if E-Voting is safe and secure with a purely state System is tuned.

The template need some improvements, for example in the case of data security, the role of the state, reliability and traceability of the voting result, the SP. The Greens demand a “resilient System with universal verifiability, open source and realistic recurring Tests”.

The history of IT shows that the list of possible attack paths will never be conclusively known, founded the GLP your negative Position. She wonders what will happen if, in the future, a new Access would be developed. “We will go back to pure paper voting?”

democracy at risk

The SVP flatly says no. E-Voting is expensive, unsafe and harmful to the democracy because it will give Criminals new opportunities for manipulation, writes you, and asks for a March. SVP, SP and GLP also argue that with E-Voting, the voting participation is not higher is likely to be.

According to the Organisation of the Swiss abroad (ASO) at the beginning of March 2018 172’100 Swiss registered indoor residing abroad in the voting registers. When you Vote and Choose should not be discriminated against, writes the ASO with reference to the Swiss abroad act of 2015.

The claim that security is more important than Tempo, will be supported in the framework of the proposed authorisation procedure, the ASO, for example, with public intrusion tests. The Post E-Voting solution for “critical error” in the Test on 19. May not be available, supports the Federal Council’s template.

the people’s initiative for a Moratorium

The umbrella Association of Swiss ICT, however, rejects the template. The previous Swiss solutions for E-Voting not meet the safety requirements, he writes – and which in turn refers to the Test of the Post. First of all, should be used for E-Voting development in the centre.

A Moratorium on the introduction of E-Voting in March, launched a people’s initiative requires. Behind the desire of the national councils and IT-specialists Franz Grüter (SVP/LU) and Balthasar Glättli (Green/ZH) as well as representatives of civil society.

A Yes comes from the cantons. The conference of cantonal governments (KdK) speaks of a need of the population and indicates the high level of security requirements for E-Voting. Is welcomed by the cantons, they can decide for themselves whether and when they want to make the electronic ballot box.


Created: 30.04.2019, 10:54 PM