As a new mother it is hard not to come to mirror itself in the other mothers who share pictures on social media, where life as a parent seems like an eternal breeze.
But even though the most well know that the life portrayed on Instagram, only a polished version of the more nuanced reality, so hit it anyway the photographer Angela Burzo hard to have to look at the other new mothers seemingly perfect ammebilleder.
Therefore, she decided to share a more honest and much more real picture of his own painful experience of having to breast feed her little daughter. It writes the british Metro.
I love seeing all these beautiful women in their beautiful nursing clothes smiling down to their babes as they lovingly look up back to them hand in hand while breastfeeding away. That is not my reality, right now that is. This is real & as much as I want to stay strong and be the soldier I feel I can be I cannot hide the struggle that is BREASTFEEDING. Whether she is not latching on properly, whether I am not producing enough milk to keep up with her demand, whether my nipples might not be adequate, whether we confused here with having to give her a bottle after pumping….whatever it may be it has been an emotional & painful struggle. Today has been full of no naps, sucking and not eating, crying and frustrated parents. This photo depicts my reality of this Breastfeeding journey so far & that first latch, & the pain endure. Keeping it real. Thank you to all those women coming to my rescue even the times I didn’t reach out. All your kind words & encouragement have been a blessing #nationalbreastfeedingweek #breastfeeding #ayleeburzo12daysold #fedisbest #inspire #keepingitreal #reality #thestruggleisreal #blessed #thankful #normalizebreastfeeding #reallife #realshit #breastmilk #breastfed
’I love to see all these beautiful women in their beautiful ammetøj smile down to their babies, affectionately looking back at them hand in hand, while they eat away’, writes the photographer to his picture, and continues:
’Such is my reality does not. This is real, and no matter how much I want to remain strong and be the soldier I know I can be, so I can not hide the struggle that breastfeeding is’.
Angela Burzo describing how she is every day struggling with it, when the daughter will not take hold on the nipple when she is not producing enough milk, or when they confuse the child about to come to give her a bottle after pumping.
The shorter the hair the harder they stare Thank You @lesliessalonatweston : Cut by @koriklsinc #newhair #newhaircut #shorthair #shorthairdontcare #weightlifted #hair
’for What it has been, it has been an emotional and painful struggle’, writes the new mother, which, with the honest picture clearly has hit a nerve among the other Instagram-mom. Over 7000 have so far pressed the small, appreciative heart in the picture and the text, and a sea of sympathetic and appreciative comments on the few days flowed into Angela Burzo.
– No one tells you ever the truth of, or the reality of what you actually need to go through in order to TRY to get such a bond between mother and child, she says to the Metro.
another mother had a different kind of free relation to its own breastfeeding, when she was tired of hearing a woman who thought the bare tits to distract her husband. It got the mother to spray the milk directly on the brokkende woman.