on Monday presented the inquiry whether the law on the protection of employment, the las, which was part of the regeringsuppgörelsen between S, MP, C, or L. the study was led by the Centre party, and a heavy trade-off for Stefan Löfven (S), who do not want to legislate on the matter.

Well, the prime minister, as the minister of labour, Eva Nordmark (S), has cut the commission of inquiry. They believe that the investigator has not complied with the objectives of the directives and of the proposals resulted in a strong bias for the employer’s benefit, which has been rejected by the investigator.

this is Isabella Lövin (MP), with the criticism.

” We can see that the small-and medium-sized businesses can have a greater degree of flexibility, but the commission has not landed in the right balance, as regards the security of tenure. The green party have been made of changes in employment law in the past, but today we want to focus on the fact that some of the professionals have a very, very precarious, ” says the MP vehicles.

Drove it through exception
the green Party has in the past imposed exclusions in the turordningsreglerna, along with the center-right parties, which became a bone of contention between the P and the MP in the face of cooperation between governments, the 2014. Since then, political parties have rallied behind the legislation.

The new las-the commission argues, among other things, an additional exception from the turordningsreglerna, and the ability to revoke a notice of termination to be removed, at the workplace, with more than 15 employees.

Isabella says his objections to the proposals, with coronakrisen highlights the problems with part – time employees and is hiring an hourly employee in the long-term care.

“we see that more of them would have to be offered permanent contracts, so you don’t have to worry about the bills each and every month, and instead, focus on doing a good job,” she says.

”To continue discussions”

At the end of the summer, a deeply divided LO the resumption of negotiations with the confederation of Swedish Enterprise. If the social partners do not reach an agreement to consider the Centre party and the Liberal party that the proposal of the commission, with reference to the question formulated in the januariavtalet.

Eva Nordmark has, in turn, toned down the significance of the study, and has made it clear that it is to be regarded as a starting point for ‘hard negotiation’ with the (C) and (L), which, in her opinion, now it is waiting for.

Isabella opens the door for further discussions between the samarbetspartierna.

best of all would be if the labour market parties themselves are able to arrive at a solution. We have a long tradition in Sweden, and I’d like to see it continue. We would like to continue the discussion in the januarisamarbetet of this report as a starting point. We are all in agreement that the balance between the parties shall be maintained, and for that, we need to be able to discuss how this can best be achieved, ” she says.

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this Country was hit hard early on, • at this point, the curve upwards.

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the project is not allowed anywhere • That it is valid in Europe the Unknown link between the people

(Family) tells the story of how their paths have met.

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