Car tax prevarications caused the state coffers million, a decline of trade, coagulation, and used cars increased imports because, to tell the Future of Rural areas.31.10.2018 helsinki, car, car trade PEKKA KARHUNEN

the Car importers association’s ceo Tero Kallio to tell the Future of Rural areas in the journal, that the state lost tens of millions of car tax revenue, while car sales stalled in early September to make the tax changes.

the Rock according to the car sales deficit grew from 4 to 415 in the car by the end of November and tax revenue lost around 30 million euros.

the value of the tax loss were of the same caliber.

the Rock according to the tax change also increased the used isopäästöiset car imports, resulting in 150 – 200 million worth of additional tax losses this year.

English first

Autumn car tax changes were related to the fact that Europe was taken in early September introduced a new WLTP-standard consumption and emission measurement methods. Real life closer to the test Betlike method raise the so-called. official emission reading of about 20%.

Finland was the first country in Europe to the new emission readings, from the outset of the tax basis previously used NEDC-norm instead of the, although the transitional period could have been used still use the old readings of the taxation basis.

New to higher emission readings due to car tax table to lighten up, so that the new emission readings do not raise taxes.

the Table was intended to get a tax neutral, but in reality it punishes the middle – and isopäästöisiä cars heavily.

Some cars the car tax rise of up to 20 000 euros, the evening press reports.

the car industry influencers to assess in advance the trade magazine that the new tax policy would not cause major market disruption. This assessment went wrong.

Car sales practically stalled. when the new car tax tables came into use. The irs lost a three-month snippet of taxation in the tens of millions of tax and tables were fixed to the equitable.

Now been published in the December tax table is only valid for the December period, since the beginning of the year comes into force the new table, which has taken the attention of the government programme, the annual car tax reduction.

the New table does not, however, to comfort those who go to buy a medium – or isopäästöisen car in the September-November period. Taxation is not for them to rectify, they remained, so to speak, the bones in your hand.