On trettondagsaftons evening, 5 January, 12-year-old Muad along with his three friends to Kista galleria. They wanted to celebrate together one of their friends ‘ 13th birthday, and the atmosphere was good. When they had eaten meals together, they went to the library which is located on the second floor of the mall.

– We read some books and took it a little quiet. We had booked a room, ” says Literally, when the DN hit him and the family.

the gang was a little loud, but they were not rowdy in any way. And he insists that they were told by the library staff at any time of the evening. But suddenly, without warning, came ordningsvakterna up to them.

– Previously, on other occasions, they have talked to us when we talked too loud. Then it is quite quiet. We talked out loud this time. But no one told us. They just came and took us, ” says Muad.

Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

He tells me that he had received a phone call and temporarily gone away when he noticed that the two stewards — a man and a woman – were stuck in his buddies. Literally picked up the phone and started to film the ordningsvaktens intervention. Then came the first attack, ” says 12-year-old.

” He was aggressive, direct. He released my friend and took me in armlås.

and scared and felt unfairly treated by the ordningsvakten. He said that he had not received any explanation for the intervention. He therefore continued to question the ordningsvaktens behavior – which led to more confrontations between them.

several videos from the event, it is possible to see how the 12-year-old, that is), built, irritably goes to the male ordningsvakten and question his actions. On several different occasions, then ordningsvakten tag in Literally, and press him down on the floor.

” It was embarrassing and hurt. Several people checked on me and tanned. They just lifted the armlåset higher and higher. It really did hurt. But he cared not. He just said ”do not resist,” says Muad.

But the confrontation continued and, Literally, tells us that ordningsvakten pulled him a long distance inside of the mall along the floor.

a scene outside a store where ordningsvakten draws about Literally, in the leg and keep him down on the floor by that on several occasions, placing a knee on his body. Several individuals go forward to the ordningsvakterna and protesting against the management – which ordningsvakterna pushes away the people and precipitate out batongerna, seemingly to warn people to get too close. During the whole process is Literally on the floor and pulled sometimes up and back on the paving.

finally, there will be more stewards to the site, and the for together off 12-year-old to a secluded room where he will have to wait until the police come to the scene.

According to the Muad call the male stewards to him, among other things, for ”horunge” when they are alone in the room.

home Literally, to your family who will be shocked when they see how it stood with the 12-year-old. He has a scratching under the eye and bruising on the shin. In addition, he had a large red mark on the ribs at the side of the back – where ordningsvakten had had his knee. DN has not been able to verify this task, but has taken the part of a note from the visit to the emergency room at Karolinska, where a nurse observes the damage both in the face and on the lower legs. The nurse also writes that the reason for the visit is the family state that the boy is ”traumatized after the event”, has suffered from ”mental stress” and has vomited twice.

Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

after the incident tells us Literally that he still has difficulty sleeping and that his back has made so sore that he in the beginning could hardly sleep.

” I couldn’t change the page when I would sleep. I’ve had a headache and pain in the shin, ” he says.

at the same time he is disappointed and sad after the meeting with the ordningsvakterna.

” I’m still shocked, actually. I was scared. They are there to make the place safer. Not the opposite, ” says Muad.

the DN has spoken with one of the individuals who worked at the library in the current evening. The librarian tells us that the staff know well to two of the four boys in question, and says that they are sometimes ”naughty” and then are told to take it easy. But at the current moment the boys were unusually mischievous and lived on the properly – however, without ever becoming aggressive.

They went, including into the silent hall and shouted, ”everyone must”. They talked loudly, and I mean really high, ” says the librarian, and add to that, they threw chipspåsar and behavior disturbing to the other visitors.

warned several times before ordningsvakterna was summoned.

– When we can’t handle the situation, then we call on the guardians. Usually calms down then. But no one should think that we are calling to the guardians in the first place. We’re talking with them nicely, ” says the librarian.

Christopher Branch, head of unit for Järvaenheten at Stockholm library, tells DN that it was first for the boys and ordningsvakterna had gone out of the library as the great conflict began.

” None of my staff was with when this happened. The staff did not even notice the event. And we take the absolute distance from the violent events. Usually have the guards solved it very good, ” he says.

have Securitas, the current vaktbolaget, commented on the event. Axel Andersson, information and press officer at Securitas, describes such events as ”extremely rare”. ”During my 25 years in the industry, there have been a few times, it feels terribly hard to deal with as young people physically,” he writes in the email.

He tells us that Securitas has commenced an internal investigation and that this may provide an answer as to whether ordningsvakterna had been able to handle the situation without using violence, but respond that ”you should ALWAYS take action very carefully” on the issue of how the guide looks like when it comes to physical violence against children.

”At the moment I can’t really say more than that, we see the incident seriously and investigating the matter, this kind of thing can take time when all will be right”, he writes further on in the email.

”There is a number of allegations on social media, we are aware of this and are waiting on the investigations reveal. What is true or not true will show itself in a later stage,” writes the Axis Andersson as the response.

He also adds that ”it [is] unfortunate if it gets damage regardless of the specific intervention. Securitas Sweden AB supports, of course, no violence, and it is one of those things that, of course, be taken into consideration”.

On Friday confirms Kristoffer Ersenius, the investigating authority at the Police, that there has been a complaint to the police regarding the ordningsvaktens management of the Muad – but that even the police have made a notification of violence against an official, in respect of ordningsvakten.

“But because the suspect is so young, it becomes nothing more than a conversation with the social services,” says Kristoffer Ersenius.

He also explains that after the notification has instituted an investigation in response of the events in Kista galleria.