– It is some choice, we shall, as decent adults.
– Are you circumcised as a child, one is an outside influence, and not able to say no.
– Fact: You are being forced into anything. the
Freedom to choose the religion and choose religion from the
How to initiate the 18-year-old Hussain Ali, president of the Liberal Alliance team in Albertslund and Høje-Taastrup Municipality, a letter to the editor of Ekstra Bladet. Freedom of religion is hugely important for Hussain, it means the freedom to choose his own religion or choose a religion, if that is what you want. the
Hussain acknowledges that parents of course have an influence on the children’s way of thinking, but believe that it is, in essence, is up to the individual to make a decision about f.ex. circumcision. His letter – which he hopes you will read and, possibly, also share on Facebook – continues thus:
– It should be illegal to circumcise children under the age of 18 years, for børneomskæring is a serious breach of the freedom that all individuals should have.
– the Vast majority of circumcision of infants going on, that the parents can live up to the family and the family tradition of religious rituals.
– In my opinion, parents must like to guide their children to a particular faith, so long as the child is out from own wish can always switch belief without blocking resistance from the family.
– A child is a human being, who, just like adults have the right to freedom of religion. Today we let the parents determine the children’s body, when it comes to drengeomskæring, and I think that is quite unreasonable.
– By circumcision carries out the parents religious rituals on the child without its consent.
– In essence, it’s about that all people should be able to decide over her own body.
– As a member of the Liberal Alliance, I attach great importance to personal freedom.
– Children are not parents ‘ property. And parents also have not the right to force their child a particular ideology by putting an indelible, physical mark on the child’s body.
– In my opinion, a young child should not grow up with religious abuse, which I believe that circumcision is.
– If you choose to be circumcised, when you are over the age of 18 years, you must be welcome to cut as much as you want.
– In all other contexts, society is organised, that when you become an adult, so you can make decisions about everything that concerns himself. It should also apply to circumcision.
– to Take you so that even the decision to be circumcised as an adult, so should all, of course, accept it. It is the right of the individual absolutely, without coercion and without acidic mines or feelings of abuse or violation.
– I’m aware that a part of muslims and jews consider circumcision to be an important cultural ritual.
– Parents ‘ freedom of religion is also, of course, important, but the limit for any person’s right to live out his religion is going exactly where another individual’s corresponding right is being violated.
– This basic spilleregel also applies if the other individual is one’s own son. I simply do not understand why society accepts this abuse any longer. There must be done something about it now!
– Neither the christian baptism or the muslim pilgrimage to pose a threat against others ‘ freedom of religion, and no other lawful religious rituals in Denmark infringe on other people’s physiology.
– But it does the circumcision in a high degree. Drengeomskæring affects the if body it goes out over the rest of my life.
– When you get circumcised as a little kid, you stand in the situation of complete powerless and without influence on what comes to follow a the rest of his life.
– the Decision is taken to go over the head of a. How can we as a society have confidence that exactly this cultural ritual is what is best for this child?
– it Would not in any other context be considered as abuses and ill-treatment? And why do we accept it just because it is covered with religious justifications?
Circumcision is not in the child’s best interest, of course, are born, human children are not with redundant body parts.
– And of course, it is possible for religious people to wait to circumcise until the child is old enough to make the decision.
– So I would again make the point that, whether you are jew or muslim, or for other reasons just want to circumcise your child, consider the child’s best, and wait for it to become authoritative.
– All parents naturally have the best intentions for their children, and therefore, you should wait and let the children make the choice themselves.
– It is time to think new.
– Danish doctors recommend to postpone the decision, for the boys are old enough to even take it.
– of course, I have nothing against jews or muslims. I am a muslim. But I want to make sure drengebørns the right to assess whether circumcision is the right choice for them, writes Hussain, but what to answer you?