For more than four decades of Annemarie Franz is working on the Christmas market on weißenburger Platz. In this time of change, not only the district, but also the customers.
Sophie Kobel
the tires of The Walker squeaking as Annemarie Franz pushes him over the wet cobblestones on the white Burger place. The snow the rain will not bother you on your way to work, she’s known for 43 years. Because for so long the Elderly woman goes every December morning, until Christmas eve all the way from the Rosenheimer Platz to your booth at the legends about the quarter for the Christmas market and served there for mulled wine. “It all started with the summer festival of 1976, here on the square. I sold Bratwürstl, but it was a bad business. The sausages I burned constantly,” says the 82-Year-old with a grin. “As it was known then that there should be a Christmas market in the glass shards of the quarter, I registered myself with mulled wine. Haidhausen was a little more popular neighborhood,” she says, “that’s why I was asking at all”.
Six small stands made of wood were built on the white Burger place, today there are more than 50. Annemarie Franz has witnessed how the market has grown. And while every year a few cabins opened up more, she extended the industrious their range. The red mulled wine by almost two D-Mark soon got company from Jagertee, white punch, and in the eighties, then from the hot Caipirinha. Changes have two Standard drinks in the course of the decades: The punch is a recipe from the grandmother, and the red drops for the mulled wine comes out of the bottle, not from the canister. The fact Franz is proud of: “The farmer’s wine from South Tyrol I buy for 43 years from the same winemaker. At the beginning, the only six-Two-litres bottles per day, I could shop for themselves and to Stand wear. Today, the wine shipment coming in three Times a day, the first as early as 6.30 am,” says the Munich.
The recipe is true: For the children because school is Annemarie Franz fills in your “mulled wine-Hütt’n” punch for the Children.
(photo: Stephan hull)
your mulled wine touches Annemarie Franz, served, however, in the meantime, of your employees. Because she is afraid that you could pour out the hot drink to the customers about the Sleeve. Earlier, however, the Serving was not only in December but throughout the year your career: The native of Neuhauserin stand at events in the German Theater and in the house of the art, regularly behind the Bar and as a waitress at the Oktoberfest she wore ten Keferloher at once through the schottenhamel tent. A few years later they got the long-awaited Stand in front of the Winzerer Fähndl, and after a while also on the Auer Dult.
“it was Six feet long, our cabin. Pretzels, sandwiches and sodas we had,” says the trained saleswoman. “We” were her husband Willi and her. The however, life in the catering industry became too much, and also to the common son wanted to take over the stands. “At some point I viewed it then, and Most of the cast. But my mulled wine, I said that already at that time, the born’ I was never here,” she says, and a light brown strand of hair pushed behind the ear.
And so did Annemarie Franz. In 2006, her son stood suffered while skiing a sudden cardiac arrest, the Doctors could not save him. Three years later her husband died, it was in the run-up to Christmas. For two days only, the mulled wine hut between white-Burger – and Metzstraße remained closed, Annemarie Franz pulled the brown shutters back up to the top and stirred again orange peel, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves in the steaming copper cauldrons.
Alone, she was never. Since 2009, the French cottage has a family. The two grandchildren, Roxy and Lucas, although a lot of traveling abroad, studying in Berlin and London. In December, however, you are coming to Munich for the grandma. “Even as the Roxy was in Colombia, she came back in time for the Christmas market. The happy me has always been very,” says Franz.
Now the two grandchildren have also entered the market officially in the business. The 30-Year-old was well-Known in addition to the serving, led Early and late layers a and recently co-organized the installation of a covered shelter for guests. There, between standing tables, bar stools and straw stars, hang two framed collages. On black – and-white and color photos in Sepia tones to see people in wool sweaters and poodle hats. Time on crutches, time with Baby in the Arm, they are all standing in front of the same hut. And in the middle of Annemarie Franz, in their windy home: “Behind the counter, I felt always comfortable, because you will notice there is so much,” she says. And the cold makes her nothing more.
If you miss something earlier? Franz nods: “The ratchet with the regular customers. This year I see every day how many people flock in the evening from the S-Bahn-Station high to order from us, your mulled wine down tilt, and more. Hardly anyone takes the time, in peace and quiet to drink,” laments the Munich and points to eight dark-blue cups with branded names, the hang neatly arranged on the rear wall of the wooden hut. The booth operator for their regular customers extra to the Auer Dult to make, for the people who take the time for advice.
“We had to hang in here earlier about 40 cups. Most of our customers, craftsmen, simple, and nice people. If some had no money left, you have cast me as a payment for a new copper-lid or a piece of art as a gift,” she says with a laugh. What are you wishes for the future of your stand? “I would love to get more cups of label,” she says. Mulled wine non-drinking Annemarie itself, by the way. Otherwise, the Rollator could be on the way home to skid.