“A mysterious peeping tom scares students”

“A man has for several years been frightened students in Kalmar by staring in through their window.”

“– He stared through the window every Friday and lördagsnatt for several months, ” says a former student who Östra småland talked with. “

“Now try to the police to find out who the mysterious man is. “

“for several years, the man has in periods been passed around among studentlägenheterna on Skräddaretorpsvägen, and stare at the students who live on the ground floor.”

” Now those who live there have created a facebook group to warn each other and inform about the new events. In the group writing more about their experiences and it seems to be the same man who they had seen – a man with dark clothes, a cap and a hood. “

“the Man is mainly outside the housing and stare into the students between the hours of 01.00-02.00 at night, writes the East of småland. “

“A former student tried to scare off the man by putting up a note on their window with the text: Stop staring.”

“But it didn’t help. “

” I’ve seen him four times to stand and stare into my apartment. I have even seen him sit down on his haunches and check on my neighbor for about half an hour, ” says one of the students, for the magazine. “

” Several students also believe that fönstertittaren settles down to look under the gates when they have it pulled down. “

“the Police are now working actively with the matter and Kalmarhem have even sent out sms to the residents on the street that they should be alert and call police if they see the man.”