Natalia was forced to steal food as a child, she is now poor light

When Natalia Bosak was four years old she was forced to steal food in order that she and her siblings would not starve. She’s now helping himself poor families in need through his organization, Donations in Malmö. And the reward has become a coronation to Lucia.

” I was so happy that I just screamed. I couldn’t believe it was true, ” says Natalia Bosak.

Malmö Lucia is not selected on the basis of appearance or voice. It should instead be a person who made good deeds for others. This year the choice fell on a real everyday hero – Natalia Bosak.

Natalia Bosak runs the non-profit organization Donations in Malmö, DiM, who give food, clothing and toys to poor families with children. Since its inception in 2013 has Natalia seen that over 800 families had a better life. It all started with the fact that she was active in another charity, and one day had to hand over a gift to a family.

– The response I received at the meeting with the family was tremendous. It, I wanted to experience it again and therefore I started an organization of their own, ” says Natalia Bosak.

the Parents were addicts

But Natalia’s desire to give was awakened much earlier. It is a legacy from a difficult childhood in Poland where she lived in a poor family.

” I was three-four years old when I had to start stealing food. My parents could send me to the store with too little money – or sometimes none at all – so then I got to pilfer instead, ” she says.

the Parents were addicts and it was up to Natalia to take care of his two younger siblings. At the age of nine she was, and the siblings were adopted by a Swedish family. The family was well-to-do – despite the fact it could Natalia not to break vannan to steal food. The fear of starvation had left deep traces in the soul.

” I hoarded food under the bed. When the adoptive parents came in and lifted the sheets, they found both the new and old food that we had not eaten the day before. They understood nothing and was angry at me.

”No child should suffer this.”

It went so far that Natalia stole the snack from the other pupils ‘ school bags. When the teacher called to the adoptive parents and told them did they respond with anger.

” They abused me both physically and mentally. Finally, I told the counsellor at the school. She listened and understood.

Natalia ended up on a residential worker-home and for the first time, she was treated by adults in the right way. They told her that it was wrong to steal and that it is not needed. And to Natalia’s surprise they were not angry. It was a turnaround for her.

Now, she lives in Malmö and works as a mental healthcare worker in a vårdboende in Copenhagen. Leisure devotes she is to the collection.

” It’s my way of paying back to the society. No child should have to suffer through what I have been through.

Gives the rings on the water

the Help goes to so that families may apply on an application form and then make the organization a choice. Not rarely becomes Natalia hembjuden to families who want to show how bad the situation is.

– They open the empty cabinets in the kitchen. It happens that there is only one can of corn left and that the kids get to eat a couple of tomatoes for dinner. Then they wait to eat until there is food in school the next day, ” she says, and continues:

– A part can not afford winter clothes and the children can go to school in something thin. It is horrible to see.

it is Often about families in acute crisis. The parents have become utförsäkrade or waiting for a decision from the social insurance office or the social services. It is not unusual to have taken expensive loans and ended up in a skuldknipa.

Natalia is sure that no money will go to drugs or alcohol. Therefore, the families clothing, toys, or gift cards in the grocery store. They shall also show a receipt of what they have shopped in the grocery shop. In addition, you will only get help once.

Gifts gives the rings on the water. Those who once received assistance in an emergency, would like to give back.

– It often happens that a family that has received help in the past to become donors when they are back on their feet. As a way to give back.

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