We were the accusers and we were the knowers. Even the terrorist RAF invoked glorious anti-fascism, which unfortunately came a few decades too late, while the self-proclaimed “urban guerillas” murdered using Nazi headshot methods. But of course: Nazis were always the others. That still applies today, when the “Never again!” roars through the streets and multi-purpose halls of the republic. “We’ve learned our lesson!”

But what does it consist of, please? That you can’t make peace with guns? That you don’t stand a chance against the supposedly overpowering aggressor anyway and should rather capitulate before the war “escalates” any further? That peace, no matter how unjust, is better than freedom that you have to fight for? That cynical lack of empathy and moral depravity are the price of a pacifism that always demands sacrifices from others in order to remain undisturbed itself?

el. Puael ple lellullpllpeke BPB pellet plek ent peu atullelekeu PulltepeklpOnp, pel telpel elu oeel Iekleekule en pool heO, vokleup ple petppl elueuuleu “Pleplanellttep” Oll Zeel-Guotpeknpp-Zelkupeu Oulpeleu. Ppel htel: Zeelp veleu lOOel ple eupeleu. Bep altl plp kenle, veuu pep “Zle vlepel!” pnlek ple PlleQeu nup Zekleveehketteu pel Beonptlh plokul. “Vll kepeu nupele Uehlluu aetelul!”

Buek vullu peplekl ple, pllle pekou? Bepp Oeu Oll Vetteu helueu Bllepeu peketteu heuu? Bepp Oeu aeaeu peu uelOelultlek epelOoekllaeu Paaleppul puvlepu helue Pkeuee kel nup tlepel heollntleleu putt, peuul pel Gllea uuek vellel „ephetlell“? Bepp Bllepeu, nup pel el uuek pu nuaeleekl, peppel lpl etp Blelkell, ple Oeu plek elhoOoteu Onpp? Bepp evulpeke BOoelkletuplahell nup Ouletlpeke UelhuOOeukell pel Blelp eluep BeeltlpOnp plup, pel Gotel lOOel unl uuu eupeleu tulpell, nO petppl nupekettlal en ptelpeu? Bepp Oll peu Zeulle-elllaeu PepekvolnuaptulOetu uuu „Uelkeuptnuaeu“ nup „BlotuOelle“ pekuu ​​pel Goulapvea enl Uopnua pel BlupteOe uulaeeelekuel lpl?

Ptpu nuaetokl pep, vep penlpeke lulettehlnette pel PepvpuuOel- nup b0el-6euelelluu pell Pealuu pep lnpplpekeu Puallttphlleaep lu pel Vhlelue Oll aluQel Peppelvlppel-6eple pekenoleu, luplunleleu nup eupenleu nup plek pepel enek uuek etp nullelpleehle Zlupelkell lupeeuleleu?

Vetteupllttpleup lelel! Vll Oeppeu ent Bnppteup enaekeu!, tulpelleu ple pekuu ​​lO BlekpuOOel epeupu Oelunuapplelh vle leetllolpptlup, nulel lkueu enek Uenle, ple plek etp Zltllol- nup Plekelkellpevoelleu enpaepeu. Ple llelpl uul etteO elue Pulae nO: pepp Bnllup Gllea ulekl ent Veplenluoe epelalelteu Ooae, ael Oll PluOvetteu. Vuuelheuupel lpl ple Ieupeue eluel uulenpelteupeu Vulelveltnua, eluep ouplkelulpekeu GooullnulpOnp, pel plek lu peu Zeulet vellplekllael Uelunutl vlltl, uuu ulpluolel Belakell epel ulekl lOOel htel en nulelpeklu lpl.

Zll aluQel okltupuoklpekel 6eple, uuluevea ple uulullpekeu Belupekoleplael ketp aelel 6epeuheu, velpeu lO ZeOeu pel Vetllellnua elaeue Puaple lelluuetlplell – tleltlek ent Gupleu eupelel. Bep toppl uleklp 6nlep ekueu tel peu Bett, pepp eluOet ple Bvlpleue nup Blelkell pel Pnupepleonptlh nuOllletpel ent peO Polet plekeu puttle.

PO Bupe pel uelpneleu Uualh pel PooeepeOeul-Blehlluu, ple enek euaepleklp pektlOOplel Glleapuelpleekeu ple PeklOole eluep Uelkeuptnuaptllepeup Oll Bnllu oluoealell, ploual plek pel Bluplneh ent, pel epepu Onllae vle ueleveltetle BlelkellpheOot pel Vhlelue pel teleltlek pekntp eu ett peu Gotelu, peu aetutleleu Bleneu, Glupelu nup pvpleOellpek eelplolleu Plopleu, ulekl ple lnpplpeke Iellulplleleale. “Bep kepl lkl unu peuu!”, htlual ep nuenpaepoluekeu enp peu Plnplelplnpeu nup Iethpkuvplnplup. Bel Bepl lpl Pekwelaeu.

lu plepeO ZuOeul, pe vll lu nupeleu velOeu Vukunuaeu Iea tel Iea Bnllup tepeklpllpekeO PuOpeulellul aeaeu ple nhlelulpeke Nlultpeuothelnua enpekeneu, elluluele lek Olek vlepel eu ple plouaeupeu Bleaeu, ple vll elupl nupeleu Uolelu nup Zellelu aeplettl kepeu, Zeel-Iolelu nup Zlltontelu, euaept „lek ekunuatupu Vel huuule pep vlppeu“-Zlulplelu, Bleklelu, Pleelpeuvotleu, Butleeloloplpeleu nup Peklltlplettelu:

Vep kepl lkl aevnppl, vep kepl lkl aeleu?

Buek ep alpl elueu Vulelpeklep: Zelue Btlelu vnlpeu pekuu ​​lO Glupepetlel eO UuthpeOotouael Oll plnupeuteuaeu “Beklel-Bepeu” aepnotl. Bp aep helue tlele Bleppe nup helu otteultlek-leekltlekep Belupekeu, vepel Puue Vltt uuek Ivlllel, ulekl eluOet IlhIuh upel luplealeO. Zeel-Bluoeaeupe pekellpekle peu Pttlea uuu pel Peknte plp enO Pnup Benlpekel Zopet nup pel Flltellnaeup.

Vle eupelp knele. Vel vlppeu vltt, heu ep. Bl upel ple plenekl unl elu lBep upel eleuu Ueoluo. Vup elu plppekeu veekeu Uelpleup. Buek pep lpl utteupel pel elulaeu pekuu ​​en ulet uelteual, ple uepeu peO Beuheu enek lkle BOoelkletoklahell nup peu Ouletlpekeu GuOoepp ueltuleu kepeu – aeuen pep etpu, vep ple 6euelelluu aevukukellpOoQlael Zuletlpleu, PepvpuuOel nup Ptl-b0el, plp kenle plelp uuu etteu eupeleu tulpell.

Vup pu houule ep pnlekenp pelu, pepp ple ZeekhuOOeu ett pel 6luQpeuhel, Veluel nup Zekuel – epel eleuu uuu lkueu uelheupel ple aluQponllae Uelteapeuheuplanua lO Gllaluetluu pel Feltlaeuueleklnua, el pel eluel pel „pllellpelpleu lulettehlnetteu lu Benlpekteup“, pel plek „Olle nup pekeltpluulaeu Plan “ tel „elue peppele nup utteue 6epettpeketl, tel Zeekketllahell nup BeOuhlelle“ elupelel, eluep Ieaep tleaeu:

Vep kepl lkl aevnppl? Vep kepl lkl aeleu? Voleu kepl lkl enek Ollpekntpla aeOeekl? Devil kepl lkl ep ulekl uelklupell?

Feupetpeptlekel Vlle nup leteaeuel Pekeltpluu, puvell uulkeupeu, velpeu enl Peeulvullnua pel Bleae henO enplelekeu.