Workers yesterday in Moscow, a 5-year-old girl freed from an apartment full of bags of rubbish and other waste. The 47-year-old mother of the girl sitting in the cell. She had her daughter for days left alone, reported the Russian authorities.

The toddler is included on the intensive care department of a hospital. The Russian investigative committee, Russia’s main investigating body, the mother of the girl held, and suggested a criminal investigation on suspicion of ‘conspiracy to murder’.

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The onderzoeksorgaan gave no information about the state of the girl. That was yesterday freed from the apartment full of bags of rubbish, plastic bottles, seemingly smashed furniture and walls and ceilings that under verfspatten were.


According to the Russian Kinderombudsman seems to be the girl, identified as Lyuba, is not to be able to talk. “Each piece of fruit or other food that we take her offer, she wants to smell. Only then takes it in her hands. Very worrying to see,” said Anna Kuznetsova versus Russian news agencies. “The girl has not learnt in a bed, making it particularly difficult for us is to make her sleep.”

The girl doesn’t seem to be able to talk, wants every piece of food first smell, is afraid of water and has not learned how to put in a bed to sleep

Anna Kuznetsova

Water and electricity in the apartment were, according to her sealed. “The girl is even afraid of water”, continued the Kinderombudsman. “You must not think what the child would have happened if was not in place.”

The mother said during her interrogation by the investigative committee that she is her daughter for “short periods” had to leave to go to her work.

Howling and stench

Residents had allegedly complained about the crying child and the smell from the apartment. But the police had initially refused to act. Another police unit warned yesterday the emergency services to open the door to break. Neighbors, interviewed by the Russian state television, reported that the mother of the girl is quite a in itself and that her behavior, no suspicion aroused.