It was not only windows and advertisements, which was in the residents in Slangerups mailboxes on Monday morning.

Among the mail was also a small-page leaflet from the neo-nazi and pan-nordic movement ‘The Nordic Resistance movement Nordfront’.

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‘The Nordic Resistance movement NordFront’ had not only thrown the little notes in people’s mailboxes, they had also put stickers with their messages on lamp posts and in busskilte in the local area.

the Mayor of Frederikssunds Municipality, John Schmidt (V), calls on residents, who have received flyvebladet, to throw it out.

– I am calling for, not once taking time to read it, but throw the dirt directly into the trash, says the mayor of Frederikssund Municipality to the Frederiksborg Amts Avis.

John Schmidt has informed The Police about the propaganda in your mailbox, but he also acknowledges that it can be difficult to do anything in the matter, since there is freedom of speech in Denmark.

– This is something that needs a national response. We will inform the Police of Extremism and Radikaliseringsenhed on the situation, ” says John Schmidt Andersen.

The zealand in denmark, the mayor tells the local media, you should keep an eye on whether there is a possible radikaliseringsproces.

At The Police keeps always an eye on groupings in society, and whether there should be a so-called radikaliseringsproces. The police shall also inform that there is nothing illegal about distributing the flyers or mounted stickers.

– It is a crime to true, forhåne or demean others because of, for example, their national or ethnic origin. The content of the distributed flyers, however, does not immediately The Police cause to investigate further at the present time, the sounds from The Police to the Frederiksborg Amts Avis.

The Nordic Resistance movement NordFront considers himself a revolutionary nationalsocialistisk kamporganisation.