The city of Zurich wants to be the “Fair Trade Town” and writes sustainability on the Flag. The coffee for your employees, you, however, to a large extent, on the controversial use of the Nespresso coffee capsule to Nestlé.

This is the room of a Zurich-based primary school for Trouble recently in the teacher. The grinding machine is here to get on in years, and the teachers requested the Department of real estate city of Zurich (Immo) replacement. This Department procured for all city employees to the coffee machine. You could only provide a Nespresso capsule machine, dismissing the realty of the teachers.

“Not sustainable”

A teacher is angry: “We have to pay for our coffee, then we want to be able to determine what we drink.” The Nespresso-capsules not sustainable, and the coffee is not in line with Fair Trade Standards. The Nestlé company is controversial, because it keeps its own life cycle assessment of coffee production of secret and little bit of coffee in a comparatively large amount of aluminum Packed.

The justification for the Nespresso forced to be found in the numerous urban policies and Regulations. For example in the “standard range for coffee machines,” the Immo. In it, eight different room types are being held, in which there are coffee – divided according to the number of users. For the type “service room/teacher’s room up to 25 employees” there were up to 2018, a choice between a Nespresso machine for 1700 francs, and a grinding coffee machine from Saeco for 3000 francs. The latter is not since made but. Therefore, the Nespresso machine in the Business-the area says the only one that is still available on the market, the Immo. Although there are a number of other machines, but these do not have either a direct water connection (hygiene regulation), or they are too expensive for 25 people. The most expensive machine is the Aguila 420 Pro from Nespresso for 20 000 francs by the way, she comes in “coffee shop/Restaurant/canteen, with 300 employees”.

Up to 50 machines per year

The procurement of coffee has the city administration for a number of years. Already in 2006, Bastien wanted to know Girod (green Council) and his party colleague Matthias Probst in a written question: “How much coffee is based in the city administration and the city still Operated by the fair trade?”

The answer: Only the health and environment Department (GUD) refers to the large scale fair trade coffee. It has changed little. Still, the combined cycle is the only Department, the rubs the procurement of coffee. Least 50 tonnes per year for the city hospitals, retirement and nursing centers, as well as the urban staff cafeterias. The gas and steam turbine ordered different kinds of coffee, 56 per cent are from fair trade. In the other Departments of the employees to self-organize and buy coffee, depending on which machine is in your break.

each year, the Immo buys around 30 to 50 new coffee machine. An Overview of how many machines of which type are in operation or how many rooms of each type it is, has not the Immo. To rooms the Teachers of the 120 urban school systems, service rooms of Teams with less than 25 employees will be added. You all have no opportunity, Nespresso Dodge. “I would bring my own coffee maker to the office, so I can drink coffee from fair and sustainable trade,” says an employee from the municipal administration. However, this is prohibited by house rules. Due to energy saving measures private coffee may be placed in the machine, nor electrical stoves, heaters or air humidifier. The exception is the hall of the aldermen, which are equipped with their own coffee machines.

lack of understanding when it comes to Green

there’s nothing much left to the teachers and other city employees to drink as a capsule coffee. This Nespresso forced could soon change, however. It is clear that in this year there are new machines coming on to the market, says the Immo. Therefore, a tender for all of the coffee machines ready to be spent. It is to be published in the next few weeks. Also as capsule coffee machines, in addition to meal – advertised. From an ecological point of view, this would be acceptable, says the Immo. In the city administration not to use capsules for the private use of the known Aluminum, but Business-Pads of Nespresso. This one could dispose of in the normal waste.

Matthias Probst, represents, still today, the Greens in the municipal Council and, since 2006, several initiatives on sustainability has submitted, shows little understanding of the fact that the city relies on Nespresso. The city wished to pursue the goal of 2000-Watt-society, really, seriously, should you be much more consistent. The start the coffee, but still a lot: “for Example, the organic share of the food is still frighteningly small,” says Probst. With regard to the sustainability of the city have many construction sites. In the Council he would like to use in the future for an ecological Zurich – maybe even with a push to the coffee machine.

How the city has implemented a sustainable procurement

tried at least since the Zurich electorate over ten years ago in the municipality of procedure, a sustainability article, the city of Zurich to economic, environmental, and social sustainability. For this, she has developed models, strategies and policies.

in practical terms, this means that in the award of contracts for Material and services or in the case of construction projects, sustainability is a defining criterion, which is the suppliers awarded the contract. The city provides something for about 100’000 Swiss francs must be put out to tender the contract in the rule. Then can apply to all providers from the home and abroad for the order. The city opts for one of the offers received. The price plays the most important role, but also the sustainability is included as a factor. The purchased goods should have minimal negative impact on the environment and minimal use of natural resources.

for a Long time each Department fixed the procurement independently, with big differences showed. For several years, the specialist procurement coordination office the efforts of the individual managers closer together. In addition, the Department of environmental and health protection Zurich (UGZ) supports the competent Authorities. Analyze procurement about the environmental relevance or evaluate eco-labels.

How successful these efforts are, so far, difficult to measure. Five years ago, the city Council decided for the construction of a control system. It should capture the characteristics of the environmental sustainability and economic and social aspects. However, the so-called procurement controlling is still under construction, is in the city on request. (zac)


Created: 30.01.2019, 06:36 PM