at some point this evening Aleksander Dzembritzki looked to the left, nods appreciatively and thanked him. Is naturally nice, on the other hand, is only right and proper, if you just know how you can save a lot of money. To the left of Dzembritzki, the sports Secretary of state, state Christoph Rauhut and accepted the thanks. Rauhut had been talking about the ramshackle grandstand of the old swimming pool in the Olympic Park.

The renovation would cost millions, the question is, is worth the sit for a walls that is also after the renovation, not a person. The bathroom is for competitions completely unsuitable. But the gallery is a how to Rauhut as the Director of the Country, carefully restored, of course, at the heart. And that’s why he brought Dzembritzki on the idea that the Federal government could contribute money. The tribune, the Bad, and Yes, finally, a “national monument” and thus eligible for support with Federal funds.

the Olympic Park is to be a lighthouse for all sports

And a panel discussion on the topic of “The Olympic Park – future and perspectives” on Thursday evening temporarily to the million dollar tutoring project. Had invited the group of the Greens in the BVV Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, therefore, a colorful round booth in the house of the country’s sporting youth, a steep pass away from the Olympic stadium.

it was actually about the Whole thing. As will be appreciated, the Olympic Park? That was the question. The Grand March in the direction of the Sport-Secretary of state: “The Olympic Park is to be a lighthouse for the performance and recreational sports.”

Well, just how? Interesting Question. It was clear from the beginning that a lighthouse will cost a lot of money. The project’s developer, Klaus Zahn, one of the panel guests, estimated in one study, the total need for Renovation to 560 million euros. So far, So clear.

But with what purpose is to be invested in the millions? Fried hard Teuffel, Director of the country sportbunds (LSB), viewed the Olympic Park as an “outstanding Area”, but a coherent overall concept for this huge area is missing.

“sports lives of movement,” he said, but there is to little people on the move from his point of view. “You should make the Park available for everyone, this great backdrop should serve as a Motivation to operate in Sport.” You could create a time attractive Jogging routes. And then the equestrian stadium. Ulrich said, his heart bleeding fast, when he thinks of the Almost-broke area, the hinmodert. There is the need to clarify a question: “How can you fill it with sports?”

ideas and pictures of the Hertha to the stadium look for more pictures of view 1 of 14Simulation: Hertha BSC/AS+P18.05.2018 07:51Stand may 2018: the new stadium, the Hertha BSC wishes – on the edge of the Olympic Park. On the left of the…Back More

The preservationists two sightlines are particularly important

preservationists Rauhut for much, if the core points of its range are not touched. The two Central lines of sight that are sakrosant, but between these axes, there are free spaces, “it is possible that the site developed.” It is developed at any case, two places on the lawn. The are well built, the plans are at an advanced stage. Then can play Hockey and Blind football player.

Light the heart problems, he should have gotten, as an LSB Director Ulrich announced his ideas of the grandstand at the old swimming stadium. A part of the grandstand you can tear down simply, and thus posterity has still an idea of how it looked like back then here, could you provide the Rest, Yes, under glass, and oversized and exhibit showcase.

Because a grip Rauhut frantically to the microphone and replied, a hint of Gasping that Teuffel with a thought, “promotes the Museum-like character of the Park”. And that is exactly what he, Rauhut wanted to avoid, under all circumstances.

With the bike you should get better in the Park

A local resident, who had reported to the audience, wants to prevent, however, as soon as possible, that it comes as a cyclist only in the most complicated way past the bar in the Park. Customer-friendliness is the keyword, the Park needs to be easier to reach. And the Park should be more open for recreational athletes. “Guys who want to play football, to be chased away by the security service.” Well, not all of them. The Kicker of Hertha BSC by may.

Petra Vandrey has not driven regularly, your three children in the Olympic Park so that the can play sports, you know just the terrain, but also the problems that exist there. But on Thursday evening, it did not stand as a mother on the Podium, but as a group Chairman of the Greens in the BVV Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. In your position, she explained, “that it would be useful, the Opening of the Park. Many areas are still in the sleeping beauty.“

There are plans on the Whole. In the Senate-sport administration, a feasibility study will be prepared. Which is quite beistimmt interesting, Sport-Secretary of state Dzembritzki held on Thursday evening iron under lock and key. He already has enough Trouble with all sorts of people, which something does not fit. Because he does not want to mess with me even without an Emergency, with the members of the house of representatives. “The results,” he said, “I would like to submit to the main Committee. Otherwise, the colleagues would be anything other than delighted.“

Here Herthas new stadium is to be built for more pictures of view 1 of 18Foto: Henning Onken01.12.2018 13:36Sechs houses at the end of the cul-de-SAC, two-storey clinker brick buildings from the Seventies.Back Next

read more about the stadium debate in the daily mirror

Without a representative of the Bundesliga soccer clubs of the CDU discussed in the Westend of the planned new stadium. To the people’s Assembly Hertha was not loaded. Here is the daily mirror-Text by Thursday.

the summer of 2017: “ A new stadium, we don’t want to stand in the way of , ” says the owner of the controversial housing complex on the edge of the Olympic Park. Potential new tenants will now say clearly that you should not set up necessarily to be forever. “There is the agreement that Hertha buys us houses when it comes to stadium construction. Click here to read the daily mirror the Text from the summer of 2017.

early in the summer of 2018: 1100 Bicycle spaces at the Hertha stadium planned. Closer to the U-Bahn, model, Bilbao, private money for the new building. Details about the stadium debate in the house of representatives. Here is the daily mirror-Text.

– may 1998: “construction of the new stadium is the best solution” . Tight stadium, no running track, the protection of monuments, site of the Olympic Park – all before there. “The new building would be the best solution,” said the Senator. Here is the daily mirror-Text.

the autumn of 2018: residents fight back against the construction of the new stadium of Hertha BSC. Now it was loud – not just through football. The daily mirror-Text, the reader debate.

the autumn of 2018: reconstruction of the Olympic stadium is finally off the table . Here is the daily mirror-Text.

early in the summer of 2018: “This is well-calculated risks”. the Herthas chief financial officer Ingo Schiller would like to revive the Olympic Park and believes that the club could Finance a private stadium. Also a name sponsor. Here the daily mirror-Interview.