the last night was a dramatic one for the nation’s firefighters. The entire 505 friends, it was on the national level – mind you, without figures from the Capital’s Preparedness, however, also report very many friends at this new year.

Including several more reports of fire in apartments and villas, which is due to a new and dangerous behavior from the full nytårsgæster.

– unfortunately, We have experienced a growing tendency to shoot the fireworks against the buildings, tells the chief of naval operations, Tim Ole Simonsen, from the Capital’s Preparedness, that takes a strong distance from the trend.

– It is deeply irresponsible and has unfortunately led to damage on several occasions.

Even worse, however, is that also the firefighters being fired upon with fireworks, when they go out.

– We’ve seen three incidents in the year, where our people are being shot at with either rockets or or more main gun barrels. It goes without saying that there is a particularly severe level of lack of thought behind such a behavior, says chief of naval operations, from the Capital’s Preparedness Kristian Næsted to Ekstra Bladet.

– Fortunately came to no harm, but there is no excuse for exposing others to danger on the way. It is, therefore, the people we are talking about, he continues.

In the country’s other circles informs beredskaberne, that there have been recorded 11 cases of fire with fireworks of a different kind, which gives 14 cases in total, on a national scale.

In the years there have thankfully been fewer attacks, but there have still been no, and of course, it is too bad, says Jacob Mouritsen.

According to Tim Ole Simonsen from the Capital’s Preparedness, it is especially the young people, who are behind the dangerous behavior.

– It is our assessment that primarily we are talking about very young people who have misunderstood how to celebrate the new year, says Tim Ole Simonsen.

– It is absolutely inadmissible that man, exposing our employees to this danger. We have a very close cooperation with the police to prevent and prevent these incidents.