After 19 years of recurrence of the Destruction Fodregiment Friday, where it will receive its own tab by queen Margrethe at Haderslev Barracks.

The resurgent Schleswig Fodregiment at the same time becomes the focal point for the building of a brand-new fighting unit in the army, a light infantry battalion, who must be able to be deployed with short notice both nationally and internationally.

– We get a regiment, which can be kapacitetsbærende for a completely new type of unit – light infantry in the army, says colonel and commander of the Schleswig Fodregiment Lars Mouritsen.

The new battalion to solve tasks that lie between them as specialoperationsstyrkerne have, and them as the traditional army forces.

Soldiers need to be inserted by means of, for example, Hercules transport aircraft, helicopters, and patrol vessels.

The light infantry battalion is particularly suited for fast response to land, sea and in the air, ” says Lars Mouritsen. And soldiers need to be something special.

– They should be able to live out of their backpack. It must be ready to fight on foot in all environments.

– It leads to natural physical requirements for the individual soldier, than that, generally speaking, is in the army at the present time, says the colonel.

According to the plan, the new battalion after five years, counting about 500 soldiers. At the present time is bataljonsstaben in place.

For august, the first conscripts complete their basic culture. It forms the starting point for the construction of the first company.

in Parallel, be developed finskyttesektionen, informs the Defense. Fully built would the battalion have a stabskompagni, three infanterikompagnier and a uddannelseskompagni with conscripts.

With the restoration of the regiment in Haderslev, go army, from three to four kamptropsregimenter.