NyheterNya EU sanctions against östFoto: Luca Bruno/AP/TTUkrainas foreign minister Pavlo Klimkin eat lunch with the EU foreign ministers in Brussels today. Arkivfoto.NEWS

Another nine people added to EU sanctions list for the war in eastern Ukraine.

All belong to the ryssvänliga the secessionists in Donetsk and Luhansk.

“Very clearly” wanted to minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström (S) already in advance that the EU would highlight and condemn russia’s conduct around the Azov sea, to the east of the annexed Crimea.

– this seems to be a way to undermine the government of Ukraine, and also their economy, said Wallström to the TT after having consulted with the parliamentary committee on EU affairs on Friday.


When EU foreign ministers gathered today bönhördes the minister of foreign affairs, at least partially. A further nine names is now added to the long list of people who should not be given a visa to the EU and whose EU assets are frozen.

The nine – six men and three women – are politicians and officials in the ryssvänliga the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. Among them are the new Luhansk-the leader Leonid Pasetjnik and Vladimir Bidjovka, chairman of the Donetskrepublikens so-called folkråd.

Total consists thus sanktionslistan now of 164 people and of the 44 companies or organizations.


Wallström opened early in the Friday for more names on the list.

– We have said that we are open to sanction more, because this is such a clearly international law and crimes against the european säkerhetsordningen, and then it should be followed by consequences. I have also received support for this in the EU council, said Wallström, following the board meeting.

Today’s meeting – where the foreign ministers also get a chance to eat lunch with the Ukrainian colleague Pavlo Klimkin – is, however, Wallström is not with on. She is rather on the place in Norway, where the Nobel peace prize is awarded in Oslo.