Been watching the parents with their Golden-yellow, fluffy fur pretty. And the two young Golden lion monkey, the on the 5. February, you were born in the Zurich Zoo , sugar! If they are not detected.

hugs Tight, take a ride on the back of the mother – one thinks spontaneously. Wrong: It is usually the father, which the Small carries around. Sometimes the older siblings a jump as a Sherpa. They relieve the mother, who has a gruelling gestation period behind, because the young at birth are comparatively large.

on the verge of extinction

The Small monkey true Bracket. You come not a Moment to falter, while the father of the Branch jumps to the Branch and in the enclosure around turns. At some point it will be but the mother colorful. She strips the Little ones and she takes to the breast. Finished with father-and-child gymnastics. Now is drunk.

The Golden lions were monkeys in the 1970s-years before the extinction. Their habitat in the rain forests of Brazil has always been chopped up more, and her pretty appearance made them sought-after targets of poachers. In 1975, there were only counted just 100 to 200 free-living animals .

Successful start re-settlement

it was Then a large and internationally coordinated rescue action. It belongs, according to the zoo Director, Alex Rübel one of the most successful reintroduction programs of the Zoogemeinschaft. Between 1984 and 2000, 146 zoo-born lion were released into the wild monkey to a free training.

monkey, The “Bracket” is two weeks old. Video: Zoo Zurich

in Addition, were connected and their fragmented lives, where possible, forest corridors. The efforts show effect: A 2014 conducted census resulted in a free-living stock of 3200 animals, distributed in four forest areas. More than a third of them are monkey descendants of zoo-born Golden lion.

With the recent offspring in the Zurich Zoo, the stock is now one of eleven animals. This is exploited according to the Zookurator Robert Zingg, the capacity soon. “It is expected that one or other of the young animal will take the walking stick.” This will be done in the framework of the European breeding programme, the sixty institutions with 223 animals are connected.

Dazzling journeyman

Zookurator Robert Zingg referred to this Morning during a Media tour of the Exotarium at the entrance of the zoo of Zurich as a “Hotspot of biodiversity”. There, representatives from all five major vertebrate species, and vertebrate life under one roof. However, a lot of the zoo, passing by the inner and zoo visitors to some often carelessly, because many do not discover straight away.

various species of birds, the reward of patient stay in front of the aviaries by means of dazzling colors. To discover relatively easy, the males of the turquoise bird, whose plumage violet shimmers blue and turquoise. The females, however, discovered in the green leaves of the forest, hardly – it is almost perfectly camouflaged.

The Smallest, and of the Jumping

The Cuban finches can be discovered due to his yellow neck band or when he sings. The pairs mark their territory by a characteristic duet, which can also mutate to the fight song, if a stranger bird approaches. The Cuban Finch is just as heavy as two sugar cubes, and thus the smallest bird in the inventory of the zoo of Zurich.

The males of the jacarini Bunting is to discover in the courtship. Then it jumps up in rapid succession like a rubber ball from the seat, flapping several times and lands again, and jump up again. The jacarini Buntings apply as most of the singing birds as monogamous. Page jumps, however, are not rare.

Then the ultramarine Bishop who belongs to the family of the cardinals. The Zurich copy with twenty years an Old man for his art And, although he started strub. He was discovered in 1999 at Brussels airport with a myriad of other, some dead birds in one of four sports bags, wanted to smuggle a poacher in the country. As the Antwerp Zoo, not all animals could accommodate, helped surrounding Zoos.


Created: 20.02.2019, 16:00 clock