because of the unchanged threat to the security of Rasmus Paludan has South – Jutland Police, in cooperation the PET chosen to cancel the firm’s demonstration in Sønderborg on Sunday.

– I am incredibly sad about it on democracy’s behalf and my own behalf, says Rasmus Paludan to Ekstra Bladet.

– In the two years I have struggled to be opstillingsberettiget, and it succeeded beyond any expectation. I would like to have shared my joy about it with the good citizens of southern Jutland, but the option I have been deprived.

Saturday could be the Economy and the ministry of the Interior confirm to Ekstra Bladet, that the firm’ has gathered vælgererklæringer enough to be opstillingsberettiget to the general election.

the Same day had a few hundred people go untapped home when the party’s demonstration in Barrels also was cancelled at the last moment.

– It is outrageous and sad for the nation. I don’t know whether people are aware of it, but it means in fact, that terrorists and murderers would have greater power in relation to how democracy works, than the police have, says Paludan.

– How to it may simply not be in the rule of law and democracy.

the Possibility of a ban can hit the Tight Course’ vælgermøder, when the party before long campaign, is also redecorate on your mind.

– If our campaign gets amputated, that I all the time is mandsopdækket of the PET and can’t move around without an armed escort, then suffer democracy after all, says Paludan.

– It is indeed sad, for it is my view that there is a large proportion of the population who agree with the Tight Course.

As a consequence of the cancellation holds firm in the spot demonstration in front of the Holmegårdscentret in Kokkedal, north of Copenhagen at 18: 00.

South Jutland Police has not further comments on the matter.

the Danish policy – 27. apr. 2019 – at. 08:12 Paludan is ready for the election