“New report: the long vacation for the train and smoke-free Sweden by 2030”

“ÖREBRO. More vacation to the exercise, a 20-minute walk at work every day and lookout for soft drinks and candy in school.”

“in Addition, sockerskatt and a completely smoke-free Sweden by 2030.”

“It is some of the rapportförslagen from the S-tank Time – to prevent ill health.”

“During the social Democrats’ party congress have The Time, launched a new report on preventive health, ”The best care is that which is never given”. “

“Daniel Färm, head of the think-tank, points out that many injuries and illnesses are preventable.”

“– Yet there is a disturbing trend when it comes to sedentary, smoking among young people, falls among the elderly, the dangerous obesity, mental ill-health and accidents in the workplace and musculoskeletal disorders (msds) on the job. There are also large differences where high income earners are healthier and not as prone to damage, while ordinary workers, young people and pensioners are more often affected by ill-health. It is important to do everything we can for everyone, regardless of income, should be able to live a healthy life.”

“ill-health also leads to large costs for society, says Färm. “

“– The avoidable ill health cost society billions each year. It is money that we could use for increased pensions and better school. “

“Among the proposals in the report are a number of measures to reduce obesity and overweight. A sockerskatt directed against soft drinks and other sweetened beverages, as well as the prohibition of soft drinks, juice and candy in schools are some examples. But also to companies such as Coca-Cola and Mc Donalds should be banned to sponsor and promote public events.”

“Also the importance of people moving more is taken up.”

“For example, it is proposed that the employer should introduce a 20-minute mandatory walk every day for their employees and have lowered the employer’s contribution as a thank you. While the employees who exercise and keep themselves in shape in their spare time should be rewarded with more vacation days, according to the report.”

“‘ No one receives less holiday””

“But also the importance of children and young people moving more is taken up. “

“Among the proposed are more hours of pe in school, with longer school days as a possible consequence, and increased free-range every day for the students. “

“This would prevent future ill-health but also be able to provide better outcomes and reduced mental health problems among young people, according to the report.”

“– this is The proposal that leading experts and researchers suggest that they actually work. That employers offer more vacation to all of that exercise is, well, just good? No one gets the less vacation. Sockerskatt would be one way to meet the incredibly strong commercial forces that utterly pours candy, soft drinks, and other over the us – without taking responsibility for the diseases they lead to, ” said Färm.”

“Even the smoking impact on the health of treated. “

“the Height of the tobacco tax, ban for shops to advertise for tobacco products and a long-term vision of complete smoke-free legislation in the uk to 2030 are among the proposals.”

“the Time-the report was launched at a seminar on S congress, but should not be viewed as a proposal from S. No decision made on the basis of the letter. It is, however, a part in the debate on how to’s in developing their policies.”

“In the S election assessment statement lifted the healthcare sector to emerge as a major explanation for the historically low election result.”

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