The new System with special infrared sensors to wild animals next to the road. First of all, the warning system will be tested for three years.

Maximilian Gerl, high polding

Using a Wild warning system to motorists in the future, better in front of wild accidents are protected. On Thursday transport Minister Hans Reich started hard, and state Secretary Gerhard Eck (both CSU) is a pilot project. The System, called “Animot” is tried and tested routes for three years to test. This should show positive results, “we can imagine an expansion to other wildlife hazardous road sections in Bavaria,” said Eck. The number of wildlife accidents has increased steadily in recent years: from about 55 000 in 2009 to 76 000 in the past year. About every fifth car accident in the free state fell to last on a collision with wild animals.

“Animot” consists of boxes, which are attached to the side of the white road Delineator. They are equipped with infrared sensors and heat sources next to the road. Even a hare should be able to register the System to a distance of up to 28 meters. If a heat source is detected, flashes a warning light on the box. The test routes are marked with special signs: at this time, leuthen, the B 303 between the already and the woods of Saxony (Landkreis Schweinfurt), the St 2176 between the market and Höchstädt, the St 2177 between Röslau and Neudes (both in the district of Wunsiedel), as well as the B 15 between high polding and Kaltenbrunn (districts of Erding and Landshut). A further test track to Steinach on the County road SW 24 between the Market and the forest of Saxony (Landkreis Schweinfurt).

“Animot” is not the only one trying to get a grip on the Problem. The Start-up “Wuidi works” at a “wild radar” that will warn drivers of danger. A Smartphone is necessary. Hunters mark on an interactive map, where, in their experience, often Wild streets happens; the App warns then, thanks to GPS positioning automatically, as soon as you approach such a place.