the Danish cycling is affected by a doping case.

It writes Jyllands-Posten.

According to the newspaper has a young, Danish landsholdsrytter in 2018 delivered a positive dopingprøve in connection with a foreign race in the spring.

the Case is just now being addressed by the Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation (CADF), which stands for antidopingarbejdet in international cycling, writes the newspaper.

President of the Danish Cycling Union (DCU), Henrik Jess Jensen, confirms to the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, that right now is running a case at the CADF with a Danish rider, who has delivered a positive dopingprøve at a foreign stage races.

– the Rider is so far suspended on the all national team. It is the practice, when you have been tested positive for a drug, which is on the pluslisten.

But until there is a final decision in the case, we can’t comment on it further, says Henrik Jess Jensen to the newspaper.

Jyllands-Posten writes that the newspaper is familiar with the rider’s name, and that the rider is a very great talent, who do not have running races in the fall.

the Newspaper does not disclose the name, gender or age of the rider, but to write “he” about the person in the article. The newspaper informs also, that it has not been possible to get in touch with the concerned rider.

According to Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, it is about the substance methylhexanamin, which is a performance-enhancing means that is forbidden to be in the body during competitions.

There is not yet a final decision in the case.

A rider who is tested positive, have the ability to come up with an explanation and open the B-sample before the final judgment, but according to the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, information, the Danish rider so far chosen to stalling tactics.

Previously athletes had quarantined a total of between six months and four years to have the drug in the body during competitions.

With the Anti Doping Denmark (ADD) confirms the director Michael Ash, he is familiar with the case, which is running in the CADF, why it is only the organization who can comment on the matter.

Representatives from both the DCU and ADD have at a meeting, according to the newspaper encouraged the rider to confess to or explain the proper context.

According to the newspaper the rider asked to get it put in the time, although he has not confessed, because the rider on the way will be in time to serve a possible quarantine.

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