in mid-January in Bern. Federal councillor Simonetta Sommaruga takes part in a Podium. The urban sprawl initiative, the country is to far to freeze the building zones and the on 10. February will be matched. From the left In the Green-dominated city, the founders should have this evening is actually a home game.

And in fact, it looks first then. In a first vote by mobile phone at the beginning of the event, a majority in favour of the Initiative. But then, the new Minister of the environment occurs – for the first Time in front of a Live audience in this vote battle.

Sommaruga is changed only at the beginning of the year from the Department of justice into the Department, but on the subject of urban sprawl, she knows. The SP Federal councillor has co-initiated as a member of Parliament of the countryside initiative. It was withdrawn in 2012 in favour of the revised spatial planning act. And with this law, Sommaruga argues now on the Podium against the Initiative. At the end, she has convinced the audience. In a second vote, a clear majority against the Initiative.

the city and the country to say no.

What is happening in Berne, in Small, repeated according to the new survey of Tamedia in Switzerland. Would have been matched at the end of last week, had been rejected by 62 percent of the approximately 12’000 respondents in the urban sprawl initiative. In the case of the first two surveys at the end of December and beginning of January, in each case a bare majority of 54 and 52 per cent for the Initiative.

Meanwhile, both men and women, urbanites and Villagers, as well as respondents in all regions, a majority spoke against the Initiative. In the German part of Switzerland, the consent of minus 15 percent is decreased most significantly. A majority of the Initiative is only in the case of the followers of SP (54 percent) and Green party (79 percent), and in the case of both of these parties consent. The political scientist Lucas Leemann, who carried out the survey together with his colleague Fabio wasserfallen, it is therefore assumed that the vote fight is over.

it is noticeable, the reasons for which the respondents are opposed to the Initiative. In the first two surveys, the concern for the economic development of Switzerland and the fulfillment of their own housing needs was by far the most frequently mentioned argument to the contrary. In the current survey will now be given of the spatial planning law clearly most of the time.


It is the emphasized counter-argument, the Federal councillor Sommaruga performances in the last few weeks, not only on the Podium in Bern, but also in Interviews and TV the most: Switzerland-have Instrument with the revised spatial planning act is already an effective against urban sprawl. An Instrument that would be weakened by the adoption of the Initiative. According to political scientist Leemann is perceived Sommaruga, SP Federal councillor with this assessment in the population as credible.

“It’s not ideal that the Initiative is ironically fought by a left-wing Federal councillor
.”Lucjan Franzini, Co-President of the Committee for the urban sprawl initiative

Lucjan Franzini from the initiative Committee says, Sommaruga had a difficult opponent in the vote fight. You notice their presence. “It’s not ideal for our Initiative, that is, of all things, opposed by a left-wing Federal councillor”, the Co-President of the young Greens.

Franzini, however, speaks of a “confusion campaign” of the opponent. “They claim, falsely, that no longer apply after a Yes our Initiative, the spatial planning act.” In part, it were the same people who were against the Revision of the spatial planning act.

The trade Association had taken the Referendum against the law for spatial planning. In the meantime, its Director Hans-Ulrich Bigler says: “We are opposed to the principle of spatial planning.” But the spatial planning law was the better Instrument against urban sprawl as the Initiative.

Federal councillor Sommaruga had to align on Tuesday your vote fight: you have noted that the current rules do not take effect. It was shown that this Information for the population is important. Just like to note that the Initiative could lead in the cities to rising Rents.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 30.01.2019, 07:00 PM