prevent The British house of Commons has enacted a law that the government should commit to a disordered Brexit. The Prime Minister May, leader of the opposition Corbyn have been in preliminary conversations.
The British house of Commons has approved in the late evening, a bill to commit the government to a further Brexit-delay. The bill through all three readings in delivery to only one day in the house of Commons. He was adopted in the third reading, 313 to 312 votes.
Before it becomes a law, it must be approved by the upper house. A bipartisan group of congressmen wants to prevent that it comes to an exit of the country from the EU without a contract.
Prime Minister Theresa May had previously announced already, want to extend the exit period to apply for. So far, it is planned that the country of the European Union on 12. April leaves. May want a postponement until the 22. May. Participation in the European elections (23.-26. May) they want to handle it.
What is the EU doing?
it is an Open question whether the rest of the EU heads of state and government to engage on the heads of Mays proposal. You want to advise on the next Wednesday at a special summit on how to proceed. An extension of the Brexit-deadline to approve the remaining 27 member States unanimously.
The deputies want to make sure that the length of the Brexit-the deferral must be approved in each case by the Parliament. So they could against the wishes of the Prime Minister, a shift on the 22. May also, including a participation in the European elections – enforce.
May change Brexit strategy
daily show 01:00 PM, 04.04.2019, Annette Dittert, ARD London
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