There are delays in waste collection in the whole of Stockholm because of the snow.

Citizens are encouraged to shovel away the snow around their garbage bin to renhållningsarbetarna should be able to get up and empty the garbage. The whole of the road between the garbage truck and waste bins shall be skottad and halkbekämpad. If it has built up massive amount of snow so need it no need to present an opening.

the path should also be a little wider than the sopkärlet. If it is not skottat of Stockholm, Stockholm water and waste, announces the on their website, no option to empty the garbage.

If the cover to the sopkärlet has frozen solid and can not be opened will be the trash not emptied. Any snow and ice stuck to the vessel, which detached during the weighing process is recorded as the weighted sopvikt.

Now, when the temperature varies during the day between degrees and degrees, can the garbage stuck in the receptacle. The property owner is responsible to remove any trash that is frozen to ensure that the vessel can be emptied.

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