note, this Text may be hazardous to your health and perhaps acute Suffering to conjure up. Depending on how long you need to read this and if you see to be stimulated further research, is the incubation period for a few hours or a few days. The Severity of the symptoms is crucial, depending on how pronounced your imagination and attention of the self-observation. Stays abroad in the recent past, the disease round out the picture, as well as visits to the doctor and equivocal findings.

Whether the above is a brief description of a psychogenic increased suffering in the medium term will prove to be correct or the Affected are actually affected by a new, mysterious disease, the scientists are not only on the track, at present, also among professionals still controversial. Not to deny, however, that had reported in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018, again and again, members of the U.S. Embassy in Cuba, with unclear complaints to Doctors, and that some new cases are described.

Identical to the symptoms were not, but in the case of those 21 Americans who were in the diplomatic service in Havana, and which were described in the journal Jama, because the medical unit of the Embassy visited, there were big Matches. 18 of them reported that they had heard at the Embassy or at home a loud, high-pitched noise. The “acoustic attack” sounded like a metallic sound, like a piercing squeal, or high sums of money. In addition, some of the ambassadors felt staff pressure waves or vibrations, such as occur when driving fast, suddenly, the car window is opened.

pictures: The Havana syndrome

Especially the cognitive limitations that followed were a nuisance. So some of those Concerned were “mentally in a fog”, reported memory lapses, concentration difficulties and sleep disturbances. You feel irritable, dizzy, and overall, slows down. The balance was affected, Nausea and dizziness occurred in some employees, also ear pain, or Tinnitus, See sometimes – and hearing impairment, and stinging headache.

After they had first been to the University of Miami ENT Doctors studied, resulted in Tests of neuro-scientists from the University of Pennsylvania is also no definite image. The clinical symptoms militated in favour of a “disturbance of the neural network”, reports the medical professionals in the journal Jama, where it was unclear how the noise could be related to the Affected described, with the complaints together. Of tones in the audible range was finally not known that you would lead to permanent disorders of the brain. The appeal of the image, the same vibration is most likely a “post-kommotion Ellen’s syndrome”, the symptoms after a brain. However, let none of the patients experienced a violation to prove. “No secure evidence for brain injury caused by external influence,” stated the Deutsche Ärzteblatt.

width of the symptoms speaks against attack

physicists, physicians, and Tonexperten were away. Infrasound or ultrasound was behind it – i.e., sound waves that are below or above the audible spectrum? Under laboratory conditions, circumscribed lesions are possible. The outer circumstances of the “acoustic attack” as well as the width of the above mentioned symptoms of the languages, however.

Doctors and other experts are at a loss, victims suffer months after the alleged attack is still under discomfort, although it is slowly improving. Quickly, the concept of “the Havana syndrome,” made the rounds and imagination of gifted people did not need much to develop in the memory of the agent skirmishes of the Cold war, and the extravagant Gadgets of James bond’s quartermaster “Q” in the battle of the spies of conspiracy theories.

sound waves, radiation – what or who was exposed to enemy territory? Cuba works about a new secret weapon? Russia is behind it? Representatives of the West deliberately made unable to think? Neither medically nor physically, there is yet a convincing explanation for the described cases. “Not even in the ‘Star Wars’films has there been such a type of attack, no Director has so much fantasy to imagine,” said Mariela Castro, daughter of former Cuban President Raúl Castro.

Against the social Transfer would, in the opinion of Smith, that the persons Concerned were no malingerers.

After the government authorities in Washington, with agencies of other States, and also reported members of the canadian Embassy, as well as three CIA agents of similar symptoms. From China was also reported a case. Diffuse complaints, unclear cause, mysterious circumstances in exotic surroundings – that speaks well for the mini-eruption of a mass psychosis. “Mass psychogenic Illness,” say the doctors, Suffering through social contagion.

The Team led by Douglas Smith, the neuro-scientist from Philadelphia who sought the Embassy’s staff, discussed in Jama about the pros and Cons. Against the social Transfer would, in the opinion of Smith, that the persons Concerned did not want any malingerers were not to her work in the press, but their activity quickly. But this fails to recognise herself in the character of a mass psychosis: Intentionally, since no one, the increase of suffering is almost always unconscious.

Psychogenic explanation possible

examples of there are a number of: So were collapsed in March 1983, the West Bank, more than 900 Teenagers, because you are exposed to a poison gas attack mentioned, had, however, never took place. In Tennessee a schoolteacher, in 1998, complained in front of her class about headaches and feeling unwell, because she had allegedly noticed a smell of gas. Soon after, more than 100 students and teachers of similar symptoms reported, although no Gas was flowing. Similar happened in Belgium in 1999, to taste as a Cola out of the can suddenly seemed to be as usual. The manufacturer took back a large part of the batches. The can had been with another substance is impregnated, but the substance is harmless. Nevertheless, dozens of young people went to the emergency room.

at the beginning of December, another member of the canadian Embassy in Cuba of complaints aligned to those of the US colleagues described reported. Both the United States and Canada have reduced their personnel to the island for a long time, a travel warning is pronounced, and to offer employees to live in shared accommodation. For the latest case, a psychogenic explanation, however, would be possible. In November, the New Yorker had reported in detail about the events in Havana and the unresolved complaints. Possible that a to Cuba offset Diplomat felt pretty fast, uncomfortable, as soon as he read the ominous symptoms.

(Süddeutsche Zeitung)

Created: 17.12.2018, 16:27 PM