It is, according to Stavanger Aftenblad, first and foremost, the drugs that are used by large patient groups there is a lack of, for example, blodtrykksmedisiner, blood thinners and medicines for low metabolism. Hundreds of thousands of norwegians are addicted to these.

– For the patient, it leads to uncertainty. In more severe cases I have experienced that the patients could not be treated for cancer because the medicine was not to be found, ” says medical director Steinar Madsen in the Statens legemiddelverk.

He believes the shortfall has many causes, but one of the most important is that the big legemiddelfirmaene sell produksjonsrettighetene to the drugs they no longer are interested in to smaller companies with greater leveringsusikkerhet. The shortfall affects largely older and well-established medications and generics.

– I am very concerned and disappointed the pharmaceutical industry, which do not have better control over the production of medicines. To make medicines involves obligations to patients, ” says Madsen.

In 2016, it was reported 191 cases of legemiddelmangel in Norway, in 2017 358 cases and in 2018 the whole of 684 cases. Madsen fear that 2019 can be even worse. the