“Norwegian fishermen found tam beluga whale”

“Marinbiologen about mysterious russia”

“Vitvalen wore a harness with a kamerafäste and swam up to the Norwegian fishermen. “

“The arctic bjässen is believed to be a tam deserter from the Russian navy. “

“– We were able to clap on it, ” says Jørgen Ree Wiig, 35. “

“One and the other fiskeskröna has probably been dragged along the Finnmarkskusten in the far north of Norway.”

“And maybe had the story of the domesticated vitvalen dismissed as just such a – if there were not filmbevis. “

“After several fishermen sounded the alarm about a seemingly väldresserad beluga whale sat marinbiologen Jørgen Ree Wiig, 35, in a boat, and gave themselves out. “

“To the end appeared the elections up. “

“– Vitvalen was very accustomed to people. We fed the fish and was able to pat it. It was an amazing experience, ” says marinbiologen. “

“the Society on board saw that the information they received about the elections wore a harness sued. One of the party jumped in a survival suit and down into the sea to get the whale out of the harness. “

“the Whale swam away and left the society with a harness with the text: the Equipment of St. Petersburg. “

“In selenium, there was also a kamerafäste, according to PLEASE”

“the Circumstances make that many now believe that the elections escaped from the Russian navy in Murmansk.”

“– the Americans have used, for example, belugas in the military, so one can assume that the russians are also doing it, ” says Jørgen Ree Wiig.”

“the Commander-in-chief: Not surprised.”

“Other researchers also believe that it is the Russian navy, who face elections in the harness. “

“– likely from Russia and if it is true it is not the Russian researchers, but more likely the Russian fleet made it, ” says marinforskaren Martin Biuw to NRK.”

“The retired Norwegian commander-in-chief Jacob Børresen can not dismiss the theory that it would be a militärval. “

” We know that the us armed forces longer has worked with the dolphins in underrättelsesammanhang, even if I don’t know how successful it has been. On the whole, I’m not surprised, ” he says to Dagbladet.”

“He says that it would be a lot of areas where a drillad the beluga whales would be able to make an armed power. “

“– for example, It can be to deliver explosives, or position sensors on the seabed at the inlet, ” he says.”

“the Commander concludes,” the

“– It is only the imagination can set limits. “