On a fateful way, the Brexit has divided British society – old and young, North and South, city and country, the whole of the UK. Even friendship groups and families are in many places fallen out. There are many stories we have heard in the last two and a half years.

Curious stories in which discord fought the end couples to the Amusement of the Nation in their dispute live in front of the camera. Or where the sorrow-box-aunts, their readers are strongly advised not to use the B-word at the table, dear – and for safety, maybe not in the bed.

Rather tragic cases where young people were able to forgive their parents, that they had voted for withdrawal from the EU. “They have stolen our future,” complained the Europe-friendly young voters are not rare. Many moved angrily from home.

couples were not able to But often come across the divide to the other, which opened up all of a sudden in its midst. A British doctor reported that he had promptly abandoned his German wife, as he had revealed where he set up his cross: “Since then, I have never seen her again.”

the majority of these dramas, you know, of course, never. But some have played out in the full light of the Public. For example, the Johnson’s – an English family, the notorious fame it has gained in the Brexit-the hustle and bustle, far beyond the island’s borders.

Boris Johnson was at the head of the headless Brexit movement

father, Stanley Johnson, formerly a conservative member of the European Parliament with a pronounced green interests, had set Yes to the Referendum to the top of the group environmentalists for Europe, for the purpose of remaining in the EU. His son Boris, the entire Anti-EU led-stock in the country – and helped the Brexit at the end of “push through”, like the Rest of the family was in amazement.

Stanley’s Filius, the Ex-mayor of London and, later, British foreign Minister, had held until the beginning of the referendum campaign all the options open. In 2013, he had referred to the British membership of the EU single market as essential. But then he came to the conclusion that he could profile as a head of a hitherto headless Brexit movement better, on the way to Downing Street, in the struggle with the then Prime Minister David Cameron.

From then on, Boris Johnson, was looking for fires from the party to the right, his country is by all means a “hard” Brexit feed. Squeamish he was, in his rhetoric never. Once he threw Remainern to have with their affinity to Europe, the Brexit in the first place provoked: “If I see all of the many young people who have painted with lipstick, the twelve stars in the face, makes the thought of a big Worry that these people have very ambivalent belonging feelings.” Properly British-the star kids were not for him.

Mocker could not help but to speak of a Problem in the home to Johnson that he could “only explain Sigmund Freud”. Eventually, it was said in the left-liberal London Guardian, will be that this whole ominous section of the British history was nothing more than a “John Sonia-graphic Psychodrama”.

are not Actually involved in the controversy only father and (eldest) son. Daughter, Rachel, who had chosen in their lives, “never differently as a conservative,” resented the Brexiteers to such an extent that they joined in the Protest of the most pro-European of all parties, the liberal Democrats.

her curly-headed brother asked the newspaper columnist Rachel, in his great zeal for the first time with a “usable” Alternative to the government line out of the back. It’s a similar saw, the younger brother of the two, “the little one” Jo.

For Jo Johnson it was with a view to the Brexit “pragmatic reality”, not “creative destruction” according to the type of Brexit-a Hardliner. “We have been talking for some time together is over,” sighed Jo, in terms of the contact to brother Boris. “It’s like everywhere in the country. But for now, I bother no more about him.”

“boundless admiration” for the resignation of the brother

As Boris Johnson, Jo Johnson lower house MP for the Tories. Under Cameron he was the first chief of the political Department of the government and then University Secretary of state. A stillerer and more thoughtful contemporary as the older brother, stand Jo 2016 as Rachel and Stanley Johnson on the Remainer page. Recently he resigned from the government, because he fears that Theresa May with your Brexit “the worst crisis since Suez,” has caused.

just like sister Rachel, Jo now calls for a new Referendum, in the hope that the Brexit is blown off at the last Minute. Jo self by the way is married not only with a prominent, pro-European journalist of the “Guardian”. Both children are also part of that March in the autumn in London the “People’s Vote”rally of 700 000 for a new referendum.

Boris Johnson, who was already entered in the summer as the foreign Minister, because he held neither Mays rate still remain in the EU, to be acceptable, has paid tribute to his brother for his resignation, “boundless admiration”. So to do that in the case of the Johnsons. Rachel declared she was “enormously proud” of your “principled” brother – an obvious tip against Boris, on the other side.

Jo even sought to emphasize the Positive: that he and Boris, and it was from a totally opposing reasons, is now in “brotherly rejection” of the government were United policy. How far this Unity may, however, say no one. Maybe at the family celebration of the Johnsons in the new year, the B does not mention the word better.

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 30.12.2018, 16:30 PM