On July 1 called the ambulance service to an address in the uk, Amesbury, near Salisbury. At the address found Charlie Rowley and his girlfriend unconscious – poisoned by nervgiftet Novitjok.

badly injured and died ten days after. While Charlie Rowley was hovering between life and death when he lay in a coma for two weeks.

“I think I survived because I washed my hands with soap when I happened to get the poison on me,” he says to the reporter on the Mirror.

Police are investigating links between at least two deaths and Skripal

Dawn Sturgess sprayed the poison directly on their wrists, and fell sick after the 15 minutes. Four months earlier, the 66-year-old spy Sergei Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter, Julia, was exposed by the same neurotoxin in Salisbury.

perfume bottle as Charlie Rowley found in a insamlingscontainer. Photo: Metropolitan police

half a year tells Charlie Rowley that he is still afraid that the poison is slowly taking his life.

” I am discharged from the hospital, but I do not feel safe. I am terrified for the future, ” he says to the Mirror.

So damaging neurotoxin the body

Charlie Rowley, who has vision problems and to go, to tell us that doctors don’t know what the long term consequences of Novitjok can mean.

” I am one of the few in the world that has survived Novitjok. It is unknown territory for physicians. I feel like a guinea pig, ” he says.

the interview that he is afraid to become ill with any virus because you don’t know what it can get for the consequences.

” I was happy when I was discharged from the hospital the first time. But it may have been too early a few weeks later I was back – blind and not mutva able to use my left arm.

Novitjokförgiftad the police lost everything,

the Doctors said he suffered several strokes and that he needed hjärtbehandling and a pacemaker. All were consequences of the Novitjok, ” he says.

Before I could run, now I can’t go without being completely out of breath. I still suffer from that my arm is not working properly and my sight and balance are not good, either, “he says and continues:

” I feel finished. I can not touch me. I can’t see properly and I still think that it will happen again. It is scary.

the Police have not arrested any suspects, but the investigation regarding giftattacken in Salisbury features two Russian agents, suspected of having travelled to the Uk to murder Skripal with Novitjok.