“Now reported the worst matbluffarna”
“the 12 of the Year’s matbluffar notified – carelessly and falsely marked goods.”
“Gårdschips, Knorr and Light on the coop Genuine product list of matbluffar. Now signing the association goods that they believe are the worst bluffmakarna. “
“last year listed the Consumer a Genuine product of the Year matbluffar. Five of the goods selected finalists and the general public got to vote for the one they thought was the worst. “
“But even among the other nominees were several bluffprodukter as well as a number of which were carelessly or suspected of improperly tagged.”
“Now has Authentic to be notified twelve of these to the authority which performs the supervision, which usually is the municipality where the manufacturer or importer is located. The twelve products notified are those in which Genuine be think that the notifications will have the greatest success and results. Among other things, this involves three of the finalists for the latest round of antipriset.”
“Notified produkternHär is the products, as well as a brief description of any deficiencies as Genuine want livsmedelskontrollörerna to examine:”