Even the Queen is now apparently fear and worry. Last week, Elizabeth II, reminded the citizens of their country, not fight each other any longer, but “come together”. The most important is “to respect different points of view” and “to find a common denominator,” she said.

The word Brexit, the Queen is not expressed. But everyone knew what she meant. Royale Appeals of this type do not come about by chance. Some Brexiteers suspected prompt, the monarch was to emphasise, on Request, Theresa Mays, whose Brexit Deal as a “common denominator”. The majority of observers found, however, that it was the Queen, quite simply, is the increasing hardening of the fronts and the dangerous coarsening of the political culture in the Brexit.

Undoubtedly, the Queen is located, already from pure self-interest, to stable conditions in the UK. The worst thing for the crown to be in the increasingly explosive constitutional dispute, the Brexit has unleashed.

The Parliament is paralyzed

Just as the Queen led to their Expression, certainly, clearly, how serious the position is, in which your country is located. An unprecedented political and constitutional crisis has hit the United Kingdom.

Not only the government, government has become insolvent. The Parliament – the “mother of parliaments” – is paralyzed. The major parties are split on the inside. Outright hostility separates Brexiteers and Brexit opponents. While this accurately reflects the irreconcilable sentiment around the British Isles, even individual parts of the country to each other in a bitter dispute.

The childlike longing for certainty reveals how in disarray the UK at the time then drifts.

A new life of awakened English nationalism is, more recently, Scottish and Irish nationalists a boost. The crumbling cohesion. Meanwhile, the legislature is rebelling in London against the Executive.

May on Cameron’s traces

No wonder, then, that in this Chaos, a BBC listeners recently at the station called and the proposal made, so we should just let the Queen decide what should happen next. This is downright childish to certainty of a put longing above all open: Namely, how in disarray the UK at the time then drifts.

This had been illustrated by David Cameron’s announcement of the EU referendum in 2016, the Mays predecessor after years of draconian austerity and severe social shocks, exaggerated carefree – and he’s up to today “don’t regret”. Cameron threw them away after the Brexit decision, it is just the begging, instead of the effect of the vote, at least to mitigate, has him listed at the time of the call, “to be the worst Prime Minister of all time”.

This starts him now, however, to make Theresa May dispute. Just like Cameron, has delivered also May without the Need of the small radical minority of Tory nationalists, and disproportionate impact.

Theresa May, presented their “Plan B” in the Parliament: they want to trade with the EU-a Brexit-agreement post. (Video: Reuters)

Instead of trying, in the interests of all Britons to be broad Agreement that sought to force them in a very authoritarian way, the will of their hardliners. Constant, urgent, Ask, “come together”, hit you in the Wind.

a Lot of time for a solution is not

After the other has flaps Mays much admired perseverance as dangerous-averse mentality revealed. Now she controls, if nobody keeps you from with a full head of steam on a pretty deep abyss – fires of Brexit-opportunists such as Boris Johnson and of small groups of ideologues, which, to be a matter of seems to be what threatens your country to damage.

How urgent communication, has inculcated the members of Yes now even the Queen.

Almost tragic seems that in this situation, also leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, in his own limited world view is biased, no Leadership. Meanwhile, each of the people to representatives who are desperate for a way out of the crisis, buttons, a tremendous, an almost overwhelming responsibility.

On Tuesday of this week, if the Parliament should again take a stand, will look again all banned to Westminster. Not much time remains for members of Parliament to find a solution. Urgency of understanding, sharpens Yes now even the Queen. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 27.01.2019, at 18:56