“Now it will be forbidden to abandon pets”

“Are they terrible testimonies about the orphaned sommarkatter history? If the perpetrators are revealed, they will no longer be able to go to the free – on Monday, it will be expressly forbidden to abandon cats and other domestic animals.”

“After 30 years, it is now time for a new animal welfare law. From 1 april, in addition to the prohibition to abandon the domestic animals, that the animals participating in the contest, shall be governed by a stronger protection.”

“the Mismanagement and education,”

“It will also set clearer requirements that the animals shall be protected from the risks of injury and disease.”

“– Now we can another way to set requirements when we see animals mistreated, ” says Scania länsveterinär Juha Toropainen to the TT, and continues:”

“– Competence requirements have been clarified, so that the animal must have sufficient knowledge to meet the animals ‘ needs.”

“– We say to you will be reported for your dogs as a temporary solution. We notice that the dog is in distress, with uncut claws and tartar, and when we ask questions, and notice that you can’t anything about the dog – then we can say that you are going to get an education. Then we follow up with you.”

“the End of the sommarkatter?”

“At the moment there may be thousands of cats who are homeless. Still, abandoning owners of their cats when the holiday is over, or when they do not have the energy or want to take care of the animals anymore. The law prohibits now explicitly owners to leave their animals, but the question is whether it means the end of the tragic stories?”

“the Problem with abandoned cats is often that they are not chippade, points out Juha Toropainen.”

“– We don’t know who is the owner, then it is difficult to hold someone responsible, ” he says and continues:”

“– There is the question of how much legislation can change how people abandon animals, but we can submit to, and make decisions. So it is good that it is clarified.”

“Lex, Maja also applies to”

“Juha Toropainen would also like to highlight a recent amendment relating to other legislation – and that means that the so-called”

“– in the Past, because of the strong confidentiality not been able to notify when an animal is in distress, which has led to tragic things.”

“Recently it became known that the cat Maja died when her owner ended up in the hospital. With reference to the provisions on secrecy, chose the home to not do anything when the cat starved to death alone in an apartment. But from Monday, may, health professionals and social services to break the confidentiality of the neglect of the animal and simply report it.”

“the animal welfare act be changed after 30 years. On the same day is also the start of a new djurskyddsförordning apply, which contains more detailed provisions.”

“this concerns, among other things:”

“• Prohibition against abandoning domestic animals”

“• the Requirement that animals should be kept free-range: Animals must not be tied up or in another way prevented to move.”

“• the Stop for the elephants at the circus: According to the new Swedish animal welfare ordinance, it will be prohibited to publicly display a wide range of animals – from monkeys to sea lions and elephants at a circus or similar activity.”

“• the requirements for the Competence of the keepers: the one who has The care of an animal shall have sufficient expertise to meet the animal’s needs.”

“• the Opportunity for health care and social services to notify the welfare problems of the individuals: A new sekretessbrytande provision makes it possible for staff within the health sector and social services in certain cases, to provide data about problems relating to animals.”