you Will be Inger Støjbergs the extended arm?
So is the job as udsendelsesrådgiver might be something for you.
Integrationsministern will use a ‘foreigners-bouncer’ for the implementation of the so-called paradigm shift, which should lead to more refugees return to the country of origin instead of being permanently in Denmark.
on Thursday voted S, DF and the government of the long range of austerity measures, that’s going to cost 100 million dollars over the next four years. Money to be spent on experts, to detect cheating by checking fingerprints and software that can compare the faces. There must also be screened 300 cases annually from refugees from selected countries, who are seeking to get their permits extended.
And then there must be employed a udsendelserådgiver with a particular focus on humanitarian matters in the foreign office who can prepare the ground for Denmark to send foreigners back to their country of origin.
Inger Støjberg has said that she expects ‘a significant effect’ of the constraints, but who can’t put a number on yet.
The new udsendelsesrådgiver to help the ministry’s managers to assess whether you may refuse or withdraw refugee and humanitarian stay. Humanitarian stay are assigned to the refugees by special circumstances such as illness, speaking for the asylum.
He must, therefore, examine the access to medicines and health treatment in the applicants ‘ country of origin. At the same time he must negotiate with the authorities to take the aliens home.
the Post must be seen in light of the fact that a part of the asylum seekers coming to Denmark, primarily chosen due to their health conditions and the desire to get humanitarian residence permit here in the country.
in Addition, they provide the ministry, to foreigners who are granted humanitarian stay in Denmark, must also – as recognised refugees – are considered only to have an expectation to be able to be in Denmark, as long as the conditions in the country of origin does not make it possible to return.’
Source: Immigration and Integration
In the Alternative considers the aliens and spokeswoman on integration, Carolina Maier, that action puts the employee in an unfair situation.
– the Whole agreement is based on that in the future, should go to the edge of the Echr, when assessing whether people can be sent out. The minister fundamentally believe that we should throw the people out and then take the garbage afterwards, if the cases being tried at the european Court of human rights, says Carolina Maier to the Althing, and continues:
– But it is not reasonable to put such a task on the authorities. I would not like to be the employee, who must sit and decide people’s fate with the starting point that I need to go as far as I possibly can in relation to the conventions.
the DF’s udlændingeordfører, Martin Henriksen, says to the Althing, that employees can also prepare for some of their discretion will be overruled by the european Court of human rights.
– There will be cases, where Denmark will break the conventions. How is it, when you are asking people to go to the edge, he says.
the Institute for human Rights writes in a response to the austerity measures, that there is a sparse practice’ by The European Court of human rights in the area. Therefore, it becomes an estimate with the ‘procesrisiko’ to violate the conventions.
Extra Magazine’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup considers that the criterion of success of the job depends on the incumbent minister.
– The big question is whether a udsendelseskonsulent need it here, if there is a new minister. For what is it that triggers a pat on the back? Is it that you have to go over the conventions and get sent a lot home? I have a slight presumption that it is expected to get as many as possible home as long as we have the current minister, says Henrik Qvortrup.
– you Can ask the officials to go to the border?
– Yes, officials have a duty to denounce illegal order. But much of this is interpretation and shades, and it smells of a bottom task.
residence Permits granted to refugees and family reunifications should in future only be granted for temporary stay.
Integrationsydelsen lowered with 2000 crowns for single parents and 1000 kroner for married and cohabiting. At the same time change the name to selforsørgelses and hjemrejseydelse to send a signal that you do not need to be integrated, but will be sent home when it is possible.
introducing a cap on the number of family reunions.
Read the full vacancy notice here.