Whether the Juso Initiative “Züri is car-free” is invalid or valid, will decide the Federal court . The opponent does not accept the judgment of the Zurich administrative court, the people’s initiative, declared valid, and drag it to the Federal Supreme court

The administrative court decision in December to adopt a view of the opponents of the principle of “in dubio pro populo” (in doubt for the people’s rights). Since you have a “very big question mark,” said Pablo Bünger, legal representatives of business associations, on request. With the concerns of the Initiative have, what’ll be left to do hardly anything.

in Addition, we believe that the Initiative is “not feasible”. Also, you violated Federal law, because the community had no competence to regulate the Required.

city Council wanted to they requires to be invalid

in August 2017 of the Juso city of Zurich submitted the Initiative to explain that in the municipal code, the city area is to be freed from motorized individual traffic. Remained allowed some exceptions, for example for public transport. In addition, Alternatives should be encouraged.

The district Council had explained – as well as the city Council – the Initiative to be invalid. According to the city Council they conflict against the parent law. A municipality should not occupy the whole area with a driving ban.

in Addition, the fundamental goals of the founders, namely the promotion of public and non-motorised transport, already in the municipality of procedure. The administrative court had surprisingly approved in December, complaints to the municipal Council and the Juso against the annulment. If the city of Zurich to stay in the framework of Federal law and within her from the Canton of assigned competencies, should you not roads already driving bans issued, for example, but at the cantonal and national. (sda)

Created: 07.01.2019, 12:30 p.m.