disco balls hanging on the ceiling of the Kaktusbar, the shelves behind the semi-circular bar are well sorted. Here is drank, smoked, and on the benches and danced for 30 years. “The cactus is pubs, the mother of all Mood,” says the proud host Franz Aibler. “Almost everyone in Vienna has already celebrated a night in the cactus.” Cultural property, therefore, and acutely threatened.

The threat comes in the view Aiblers and thousands of other owners from the policy, by the legislature so, after almost a quarter of a century of culture, combative debate and also in a General Smoking ban introduced in the gastronomy . As of today, the conclusion of Smoking, and Aibler sees reason to complain: “You will feel let down, everything is shifted Unpopular on the hosts.”

he has filed a Complaint against the Smoking ban even before the Austrian constitutional court. As the spearhead of an Initiative of about 2500 hosts, he wanted to reach a last-Minute exemption for the Night, restaurants, small Bars and big Clubs so. The main argument of the expected noise pollution for local residents is, if the smokers gather in front of the pubs. The economists have calculated that, then all of a sudden in the Night, a steam quantity of 50’000 people on the street, distributed on the whole country, however. The judge dismissed the complaint, and Aibler says with a shrug: “we will of Course keep us all in the law.”

High buses

Everything else is likely to come also expensive, because for the implementation of the Smoking ban competent Viennese city councillor has announced harsh penalties and, above all, “no grace period”. 1. November to-zero clock and a second they could send in their own control your weight loss. In the case of the first display 800 euros are due, in the case of repetition of 10’000 Euro to the account of the host pays. The smoke of the sinners himself come the first Time with 100 Euro.

800 Euro in the first display due to 10000 in the case of repetition. This bill, the host paid for.

It was a tough war of attrition battle that the proponents of the “free chick Stan” – Tschick have lost the cigarette in Austria. The Genesis is probably only possible in Austria, a Back-and-Forth, with constantly new tricks: in the year 1992, the first project to the smoke ban in the catering industry by the then Minister of health have been presented.

Since 2010, separate areas for smokers and non-smokers are required. In 2015, the former red-black government agreed on a General Smoking ban, but only at the 1. May 2018 and should come into force. Shortly before it was overturned by a new government of the ÖVP and the FPÖ, the tipping prohibition again. A cancer aid and chamber of Physicians initiated the non-Smoking people was signed desire from almost 900’000 people, and the turquoise-blue coalition on the Ibiza-broke the scandal, lost the smokers their patron Heinz-Christian Strache. Against the votes of the FPÖ, the Parliament decided in no time at the beginning of July the ban to 1. November – and so rigid that no exceptions are provided.

60% smoke customer

“Ibiza is also our downfall,” says Jakob Baran. Previously, he has successfully played American Football, in the world of selection appointed at the age of 19. However, after a serious injury, the career was coming to an end, and he opened a hookah Bar in the Danube centre, a shopping Mall in Vienna-Kagran. Sweet smoke-pulls out now through Titan, and Jacob Baran dark clouds hang. “We also have Snacks and Drinks, but to come to us, the people whistle because of the water,” he says, “that’s 60 percent of our sales.” The Smoking ban as a threat to its existence.

Jacob Baran has a lawsuit in the court of justice, in the name of the VSBÖ, the Association of Shisha Bar operator of Austria filed before the Constitution. “8000 jobs hanging in there with us in it,” he says, a third of the Shisha Bar operators already intended to sell. The bottom line is he is optimistic that we will achieve, subject to conditions, as in other countries, a special regulation for hookah Bars. The only Problem is that the constitutional judges deal only in a few months with the case. “Our fear is that we don’t save more then an industry, there is.”

A trial begins turning as a non-smoker

For the owners and their Smoking clientele today, so for a time, and for Oswald Täubl, the owner of the canteen in the 9th District, it must be in spite of everything, a little bit of a celebration. “We’re swinging into Smoking and non-existence”, is on a concert announcement in the local input. “If I have to leave already so so determine, then I want to have Fun,” he says.

In the canteen next to the play house enjoys, as he says, “very artistic audience,” good music and good Thai food, well smoked, however. “From our regular guests, 80 percent are sure a smoker and like smokers,” he says. “But that loss to Mega, I don’t think so.”

Which, he hopes, go out for a smoke, and others come in that would not otherwise have come. “We have for November already many reservations from people who say: Finally, you are also non-Smoking.” Täubl is now trying to take by the way also once again an attempt to give up Smoking. “But not because it is now the law,” he says. “The reason is that I want to yourself, the other for me.”

Created: 31.10.2019, 19:37 PM