The VI European Geoparks Week, which is celebrated across the continent between May 28th and June 5, aims to raise awareness about these protected natural areas and highlight their value as cultural, natural and geological heritage.
Geopark of Granada offers a wide range of activities that are suitable for both tourists and locals. There are canoe rides in the Portillo reservoir of Castril, balloon flights to Huescar, hiking trails through Galera, Galera and Alamedilla, as well as guided tours and workshops that provide information about local products.
To continue showing students the rich heritage in their communities, activities have been planned with schools. The territory’s Tourist Offices and Dissemination Centers have also organized guided tours to various heritage resources. The Granada Geopark aims at attracting a large number of tourists and inviting the local population to take part in its territory. This fulfills one of the UNESCO World Geoparks functions on the dissemination heritage and its values.
Jose Entrena (president of the Granada Provincial Council), who is also the Granada Geopark’s chair, highlighted how citizen participation was important in the preparation of conferences. Entrena also reminded that the program presented to the global geoparks network of UNESCO arises out of the implication of territory>>. Entrena pointed out that local associations, city councils, companies, schools and interpretation centers, as well as tourist offices, have suggested “actions of concern to publicize a territory rich in opportunities and with a cultural and natural heritage of international significance”.
Global Geoparks
UNESCO Global geoparks are areas where there is a rich geological heritage that can be used as a foundation for sustainable socioeconomic growth. They are therefore recognized by UNESCO World Geoparks under the International Program of Earth Sciences and Geoparks. Their management involves integrating natural and cultural heritage. They serve the purpose of conservation, dissemination, and sustainable development for the benefit the local population. Their extraordinary ability to network cooperate at all levels, local, regional, and global, is what makes them unique. Spain has the most Geoparks in Europe, at 15.