Caroline Rosenkvist is a nurse in the neonatalintensiven at Danderyd hospital. It is a specialized activity for the prematurely born children belong to the Karolinska but are conducted in three hospital – Danderyd, Karolinska Huddinge and in Solna. In protest against the new arbetstidsavtalet which will apply from april 1, she and six of her colleagues – a third of the strength of the 21 nurses in Danderyd and Solna – has now resigned. Caroline Rosenkvist has figured out that the new arbetstidsavtalet negotiated in 2017 between the Swedish association of health professionals and the then county council for her part would mean 5000-6000 sek less in his pay envelope per month. A declaration is a significantly lower in OB-than that paid in the previous model, which given the hefty extra premium for working evenings and holidays. For example, no longer count Friday night as weekend, but gives one an ob-compensation of sek 22 an hour in the past 133.

” I have bigger children than their colleagues and therefore has been able to set up and take shifts at inconvenient hours. Now it is not worth anything at all. We feel extremely violated by the employer, ” says Caroline Rosenkvist.

Within the business where she works, it has been difficult to man on the very inconvenient hours, and then have the old arbetstidsmodellen attracted more people to take these sessions. When the part of the remuneration almost entirely disappear, the nurses demanded to get 5000 dollars more in base salary, a requirement that the employer not been able to meet.

Himself said, she was up on Monday despite the fact that she really wants to work still and thinks that she has a lot to give.

“I myself am an elected representative for the Swedish association of health professionals, but I am so angry at how the negotiations have been done,” she says.

She is joined by colleagues Nicole Gustafsson Valderrama, the Cia Lexing and Christl Drkosch as everyone has said.

Apart from the lost OB-compensation has also the weekly working time has been extended.

the Cia Lexing, who is a specialist nurse says:

” I have worked here for 20 years, and for me, it means here to go back to the capital, I had several years ago, and furthermore, to work a little bit more each week.

She and colleague Christl Drkosch belongs to the hospital’s neo-PETS team, a transport of premature babies who service the whole country. Nicole Gustafsson Valderrama says that the business will have big problems to cope with transport in summer, when the nurses disappear.

– For specialuppdraget that they have it will be katstrofalt! We love our jobs, but we want you to compensate us in a nice way. With a fixed compensation – not limited in time, ” she says.

On intensivakuten in stockholm has at the same time, a large group of nurses resigned because of the new agreement. In order to attract back nurses in both activities, the employer has offered 3000 crowns in a transitional phase, during two months, and then 1500 sek extra for a further period, but at most until september 2020. The employer has now given the nurses until 7 april to withdraw their redundancies.

From the Karolinska is now careful not to comment on the situation. According to Patrik Rossi, head of function, acute and Svante Norgren, head of the department of child and women s health at the Karolinska, is it too early to say what impact the offer will have then the cooling-off period is not over.

”Together with our employees, we need time for them to be able to put themselves in the conditions. We are of course keen to retain our skilled staff is a precondition for the conduct of health care,” said Svante Norgren in a statement.

Madeleine Arpell has no plans to take back his termination. She estimates that it is about a twenty or so nurses, or one-third of the intensivakutens staff submitted his resignation, and a few that pulled them back. She says that there are several factors that played into.

” We have had a really tough conversion through the move of our operations. As the icing on the cake shall we now lose a lot of money to work. In particular, we find that the man is not listening to us – to tell us it is the only means we have, ” says Madeleine Arpell.

– We may put it on the foot for a bad deal – I don’t understand how you have gotten through it.

From the Vårdförbundets page, it has new arbetstidsavtalet presented as an agreement that would get the nurses to stay. Gunilla George, president of the Vårdförbundets title Stockholm, explains that the agreement is designed so that the nurses should be able to get more rest and recovery and also be able to take out the time accounts in the leave.

– The major group will see gains in this. In our discussions with the relevant hospitals, we have appealed to the employer to be an attractive employer, and to compensate for the loss of income for individuals, ” says Gunilla George.

At the side of the protests linked to the new agreement, had on Thursday, several narkossjuksköterskor at the Astrid Lindgren children’s hospital, which demanded wage increases of between 5000 and 10 000 sek in order to reflect their experiences, that the DN previously told, started to terminate itself. One of the nurses say that a lot is declared:

” the Proposals we have received is between 2000 and 4000 sek, and after a meeting Thursday afternoon seems to be no negotiating position because according to management, there is no more money. There were several who said up afterwards. It requires huge experience to be able to anesthetize children, but it seems to set off for the region – for them we are just a few in the crowd.

Karolinska confirms via the press office to Svante Norgren on Thursday held a meeting with anestesisjuksköterskorna, and informed about the management’s analysis of salary levels and adjustments that have been made in several cases. After the meeting, said the three nurses.

Jonas Lindberg, the left party spokesperson in the health and is critical to the implementation of the new arbetstidsavtalet between the region and the Swedish association of health professionals, which he believes has been ”lousy”.

“It is extremely provocative that at the same time as this happens so shall the chief financial officer at Karolinska nearly two million in severance pay – it stings in the eyes of the people,” he says.

the Left party will now connect lönediskussionerna to the large economic surplus in the Region of Stockholm, which, according to the financial statements landed on the sek 2.2 billion, and that is to be taken of the regional council on Wednesday, and want to share of the surplus is put on the employees ‘ salaries.

” Irene Svenonius has said that the Stockholm Region is to become Sweden’s best public employers. Now it is up to the evidence, says Jonas Lindberg, and continues:

– It is in the here nurses the purses that the money is needed – to raise their salaries, and to increase salaries for narkossjuksköterskorna ending. Then we will be able to slow down the redundancies.

Finansregionrådet Irene Svenonius (M) says that it is their responsibility to impose the new agreement, which she underlines the fact that the county council and the Swedish association of health professionals had a consensus on.

– At the political level, we are not involved in the implementation of this type of agreement. We are increasingly emphasising local responsibility for that have an individual salary based on knowledge and performance. Each hospital is expected to pursue a wage policy that makes them attractive employers, and they should manage it within their framework.

– When we speak of K as has the regional council recently injected large sums for them to manage their finances to 2019 in a good way, ” says Irene Svenonius.

If the left party proposal, she says:

– the Left does not understand the economy. Obviously, they don’t understand how to create incentives in a business. If we go in with funds centrally so will our managers never take their local responsibilities.

last year, increased costs for agency staff heavily on the university and in the Stockholm Region, despite the objective to reduce them.

” For me, it is important that we have activities that are based on permanent employees. The operation is not a road I want to see. Therefore, it is important that hospitals faced with this new agreement with local adaptations.