Antwerp during the Day is the 91-year-old Maria is caught in a chair in her hospital room, they may not meet the emergency button and plast is forced to live in her pants. A infuusnaald remains for days without reason in her arm. On christmas eve she is still in the news six-hour put to bed. After a stay of only six weeks in the ZNA hospital Stuivenberg and Sint-Elisabeth remains of the proud and independent woman to a shadow. It will be the last six weeks of her life. “She Was better cared for, had my mother lived longer,” says daughter Birgit.

Birgit works for the government and therefore wants to remain anonymous. “But this story has got out. My mother, I can not more save, other people maybe.” Birgit – a pseudonym – is in the midst of the stuff in the house of her mother. Everything is still there, untouched. To 19 november attended the 91-year-old Maria, an independent. Healthy, despite the age. “They didn’t even Dafalgan against the headache.”

While Birgit in november blows out to the Caribbean Sea, the phone rings. That it does not go well with her mother. There is a problem with the heart. Maria has a panic itself, the police are called and is transferred to Stuivenberg, one of the nine hospitals of the Hospital Network Antwerp, with 2,500 beds, the largest fusieziekenhuis of our country.

Ask people tomorrow at McDonald’s to work, they will be as enthusiastic in front of the stove as in the hospital compared to the patients


burnt out and demotivated

“I got the first plane home,” says Birgit. “On the geriatrics, department of the G2, I saw how some nurses burnt out and demotivated. The care was obviously not their calling. Not the patients, or their smartphone seemed to be the centre of the world. Let those people tomorrow hamburgers bake at McDonald’s, they will be as enthusiastic in front of the stove as in the hospital in front of their patients.”

Birgit sees her mother for the first time back in a chair, pinched, with a eetplank for her as that of a chair. They can no side. “Even though it is required by law, they have never me asked permission to my mother to fix. I said that against a nurse, said that I was inaccessible during my vacation. Had everyone, family and friends, me without any problem can call. I made it clear that I have no permission gave, but also the next day was my mother again, stuck in that damn chair. Just as each of her following days. What I also said.”