Environment For the end of the 21st century will our oceans due to climate change, bluer, or just greener colors. The slightly brighter color is not immediately visible with the naked eye, but the impact on the marine life – by extension, the ecosystem will be huge. “The color will be a first warning,” said Stephanie Dutkiewicz, a research associate at the MIT Center for Global Change Science.

The tiny responsible for the phenomenon of phytoplankton. Phytoplankton is a collective name for both algae as bacteria including blue-green algae. The small organisms reflects the light of the sun in a certain way so the colorful light and dark blue spots in the ocean appear. And if the organisms are very small, they are also the largest primary producers of oxygen on earth. the

The microscopic organisms living on the bottom of the sea where sunlight and carbon dioxide to use for photosynthesis to do, their energy supply. That means that they carbon the sea inzuigen while oxygen release. A necessary process in regulating the global climate.

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Unfortunately, the organisms are very sensitive to the global warming, specifically the warming of the oceans. And the recent research, published in the scientific journal Nature Communications, shows that the growth of phytoplankton, therefore, in certain regions will shrink. The result? The look of the oceans will, in some places, a subtle make-over.

some big changes in the food chain have huge effects.

Stephanie Dutkiewicz, a research associate at the MIT Center for Global Change Science

it is Simply oceans where a lot of phytoplankton present is greener than that in oceans where it in smaller concentrations. That means that oceans where phytoplankton previously to a limited extent, even bluer will colors. But the oceans in Arctic regions, which is currently still quite cold, will be just greener. It is yet too cold for the microscopic organisms to survive, but once the oceans warm up, there will be just more phytoplankton to grow. the

The disappearance of the microscopic organisms in certain regions, however, will not be compensated.

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