the phone company Oister has no plans to compensate the large group of customers, which, according to a principled decision from the Teleankenævnet otherwise have a claim for a compensation.

In the three test cases have a unanimous board has just determined that Oister promised too much and wrongly ran from the promises, since the company in a number of years before 2017 sold subscriptions with the promise of ‘same price for always’.

In 2017, the prices were however raised, which led to a furious kundestorm against the phone company. Therefore, the three customers, as prøvesagerne is all about, now having 1000 crowns in compensation.

But even though the Oister has already notified these customers that they get their money, then the box slammed shut in for the rest.

’the Board has decided three different cases, which taken individually post to the details of individual concrete cases. The cases will therefore not affect the other customers. And we are not, moreover, agree in the decisions,’ writes the company in a statement on the matter to Ekstra Bladet.

Documentation: The writing Oister

Teleankenævnet have the 8. april 2019 adopted a decision in your complaint regarding the “Award For Always”, which Teleankenævnet has informed Oister on the 9. april 2019. Teleankenævnet have given you partially upheld and has determined that Oister must pay you 1,000 DKK in compensation.

Oister has chosen to follow the Teleankenævnets decision and thus end the matter, as the Oister want to maintain the good customer relations, we have for you.

Source: the Message to one of the three customers, who have been unsuccessful in Teleankenævnet

‘We volunteered in 2017, we could see that we in the ’forever’ campaigns in his time has been too optimistic and has been strongly aware of to be more precise in our communications since then. But the fact is that it has been in our terms, that we can continuously have to change the client’s agreement, and that such changes will be announced a month in advance.’

‘We made such a warning in 2017 completely by the book, and therefore, we believe that we have complied with our obligations in our agreements with customers.’

Oister acknowledges that the case has given the company scratches in the paintwork. But recognition does not, therefore, that the thousands of affected customers will get the same compensation as those who complained.

‘We regret that it has created dissatisfaction with any customers and will in this context like to highlight that we continue to best for the price on the Danish market with a number of good subscriptions to the sharp rates as well as to customers at any time have the option to switch to a different subscription.’