Once in those 35 days, Florian Reber, it was really uncomfortable. He rode with the Velo in the French southern Alps, a long day of Dirt and mud, and landed in a small village. It was the end of November and cold and dark, there was no Hotel, no people on the street, until he saw a Couple of: two dropouts, yellow West-sympathizers, who lived in an old Camper. Reber came up in conversation with them and was invited to stay the night. They ate and drank, and languages. About life, about nature and about that important things move. Social justice in France, the climate of the world.

Reber was the beginning of Winter, on a trip from Trieste via Ljubljana and Davos to Cannes. With the bike he put about 1900 km and 35’000 meters in altitude, over snow-covered passes and through green valleys. His goal: with the people about the nature and climate change speak.

He met farmers who are concerned about climate change, and other, the doubt thereat. A scientist who studied the effects of climate change. A mountain guide, the conspiracy theories about the climate incubates. A timber businessman who had lost 20’000 trees in the storm. Some of them he met by chance, others he had written weeks before. Often learning will be granted the mountain to a closer horizon, says Reber, of the townspeople, but the voice just not quite. “The Archaic, the Simple is often the basis to understand the natural world,” says Reber.

Continue in the Rocky Mountains

So he came with his interlocutors to the conclusion that man has lost touch with nature. He told him how he people in all the Alpine countries have reported with concern that the summer is coming earlier and earlier, the Permafrost melt, your Region has never been dried out like this year. Rivers dried up, pastures withered. One could not emphasize this accumulation of weather extreme enough, says Reber.

the 35-year-old business consultant could ever go, he had to get hurt in the first place. Reber drove the bike through the city of Zurich, as the suit bag tangled in the wheel. It threw him over the handlebars, and he slammed on his shoulder. In a lot of pain, a blasted shoulder joint, and six weeks of bed rest. A lot of time to think – and a revival experience. The Plan is to drive through the Alps, grew up in it. He gave up his Job in management consulting (core area: sustainability) and los moved to the end of October. He wrote adventure reports that he is now on his Blog tales ofchange.earth, published on the Internet. to gain

More awareness for nature and to pass it on, was Reber’s goal. On a small scale that has already been deployed. He will be invited to make presentations and has been in business for, to be able to re-open. Because of his climate journey is not yet complete. Stories from the Rocky Mountains are soon to follow. But first, a trip through the Cerrado, deforested Brazilian savanna. Deforestation is a driver of climate change, says Reber. The world should know about it.


Created: 10.02.2019, 18:45 PM