Shortly after noon to 18 on Friday evening to the police with information on the three persons of teasing in Hägersten in southern Stockholm. According to the police, to the incident having happened on a sidewalk, and several people were in the vicinity. Shots should also have shooting.

“We have received witness testimony that there was fighting between the three persons, in connection with that there is witness testimony that a shot shooting, and they were beaten,” says Ola Österling at the Police.

the police knocked the door in the area and talked with several witnesses. In conjunction with it has a plaintiff been able to be identified. The classification of the offence was also extended from roughly vapenbrott to include aggravated assault and attempted aggravated assault. The plaintiff is mildly damaged, according to police.

” He has some injuries that are not serious and do not require hospitalization. We believe utredningsläget as good, ” says Ola Österling.

No person was on Friday evening arrested. In total there are at least one plaintiff and at least one perpetrator. The police have no information about the background to the event in the present time. During the evening continues, police with outreach and additional hearings.