Each student in Switzerland to experience it at least once in his training: a stay in a different linguistic region. This “Vision” formulated by the Confederation and the cantons, a year ago. The Federal Council has reaffirmed the target just before Christmas. A language exchange to fostering language skills, wrote to the state government in a report. He serves also the exchange between the language regions, i.e. the cohesion of the country.

The report was commissioned by the national Council’s education Commission. The background of the language in dispute is: In several cantons it was in the last few years, efforts to eliminate the early French. The people stopped the plans, however, anywhere on the urn – the national cohesion for the sake of. Language stays, it was said in the heated discussion, motivated for language acquisition and should be encouraged.

2% all students

But the reality is far from the political Vision far. The Figures of the national Agency Movetia show. This is mandated by the Federal government and the cantons to promote the student exchange nationally and internationally. Thus, about 17’000 students on an exchange in a different part of the country or abroad in the school year 2016/2017, although participated. But only 2 percent of all students in the 1. to 12. Class. The Federal Council stated that there is language exchange “great development potential”.

the massive differences between the cantons. For the first time, Tamedia, has calculated that the editors for the individual cantons with a relative exchange index: what is the relationship between the number of reported Exchanges in comparison to the total number of students?

The top spot Schaffhausen reached 6.8 percent. Within a school year, approximately one in every 15. Schaffhauser students participated in a Form of exchange. “Because of the small Canton of the size of many of the teachers can be motivated directly to do this,” says the cantonal exchange responsible for Xavier Turpain. In addition, Exchanges would be promoted in addition to the Movetia funds from the lottery prize Fund, in order for the classes to be able to organize money. Information about a Mailing as well as online instructions for the exchange will complement the offer. “Our goal is that almost every school to find a French-speaking partner school,” says Turpain.

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The end of the ranking the economy of the Canton of Zurich, with only 0.5 percent. Spicy: Ironically, Zurich’s education Director, Silvia Steiner (CVP) is Chairman of the education Director conference (EDK), which was the language of exchange-“Vision” of a leader. Even deeper than in Zurich, the mobility is only in Appenzell Innerrhoden and Solothurn. Appenzell Innerrhoden has not reported any Numbers, Solothurn, only those of high school students – a bit of meaningful statistics.

The huge differences are in part due to the historically or culturally, says Movetia-Director Olivier Tschopp. As the bilingual cantons to maintain the language exchange is traditionally stronger. But it depends also of the “strong political will”, says Tschopp, and therefore, ultimately, “in many places to greatly from individual, motivated teachers”.

All ahead of the Valais

is regarded As a national model for the Valais. Already in 1991, created the Canton office for language exchange. First, it organized the exchange between the upper and the lower Valais. As the French-speaking Canton part not found but in the smaller upper Valais enough partner classes, the programme was expanded to “2 langues – 1 target” on the Berne schools. It lasts nine days and takes place in the 7. Class will be held. During this time, visit in Half-class groups of students exchange shared side. In the Valais, all the upper part of take new levels the same time. In Bern, the number of participants within the space of eleven years, has risen from zero to around 3400 Exchanges per year.

a full-range coverage, such as in the Canton of Valais is located in Bern. The Canton ranks in the exchange index in the back half. According to the Berne exchange coordinator Thomas Raaflaub, the Movetia need to be put in perspective-the Numbers. He criticised the fact that the statistics of nine days set in part, Apples to oranges comparisons – for example, if you forms of low – threshold Exchange of a full program, such as “2 langues-1 target”.

will Actually be captured in the statistics, depending on the Canton of the data is different. So Zurich registered, for example, only Exchanges, which were financed by the Canton of funds and not at the municipal level. Movetia collects only physical Exchanges and no low-threshold forms, such as the exchange of letters. It confirms, however, that their Numbers “at the moment, nothing about the quality of the programmes statements”. However, it is the task of the cantons to improve the statistics, says Tschopp. Only in this way, the exchange of intensity could be shown – and the only way you would ultimately political order to promote the mobility between the parts of the country.

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Crucial to the success of the exchange, the human resources of the Canton at the onset of this, whether Sandra Schneider, head of Valais office for language exchange says. “The teachers have much else to do, to organize, too.” Her office is endowed with a 220 percent. For comparison: In the three times greater Canton of Bern, the two coordinators will share 100 percent of, in Zurich, there are just 5 to 10 percent of a full.

in Addition, there is a need for “coordination from the top”, in order to organise the contacts between the cantons, complemented Raaflaub. The establishment of Movetia have given to the exchange of thrust. Currently Movetia and builds new programs, and subsidized the class exchange, with a daily lump sum directly. Half a Million francs, it receives from the Federal government. This is little in comparison to the more than 30 million Swiss francs, which it can use for international exchange and mobility at all levels of education.

Now Movetia should receive according to the will of the Federal Council for the intra – Swiss mobility more Central in the context of the cultural Embassy 2021-2024. This also corresponds to the “Vision” of the Confederation and the cantons: “The public funds”, as stated in the strategy, “we need to know a substantial increase.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 05.01.2019, 07:17 PM