On the 20. December 2017, was a 33-year-old woman with her French bulldog, the small animal practice. The investigation brought certainty: their 19-month-old female was with at least two pups pregnant. Professionals know what this means: Because of their racial disposition, the risk of a birth disorder in these dogs. Because, in spite of strong contractions and no puppy arrives, is often a cesarean section is necessary.

At 7. January 2018 the animal died. The prosecution accused the owner, then, you remained in spite of the urgent advice of a Veterinary practice assistant (TPA) idle. Thus, you have the bulldog “during several hours under the excruciating pain of the birth process remain”.

The attorney of the woman accused, your dog had been fed and demanded due to animal cruelty, a conditional sentence of imprisonment of ten months and an unconditional buses of 2000 francs. But in the district court of Bülach , it turned out differently.

The single judge acquitted the 33-year-old woman. For malnutrition, the judge noted: The Body Condition Score of 3 deck-Yes close to 4, and 4 would have meant a good condition. In addition, it is unlikely that the bitch within the space of 18 days between doctor’s visit and death was so thin.

medical record proves nothing

The indictment was based mainly on the statements of the Veterinary practice assistant, and the medical record came in small animal practice as well as taking notes of the animal hospital. This was at first glance a clear picture: A day before the death of the dog, the owner informed the TPA, the bulldog was losing amniotic fluid, have to blow light Press and vomit. This follows from the medical file.

The owner ride best, to have such information. She also denied that she had advised the TPA “urgent”, “to go in view of the critical and life-threatening Situation, immediately for a caesarean section to the animal hospital”. The animal hospital, the TPA announced plans to call a bitch, the fruit I lost water. Twenty minutes later, they announced that the owner will not come, in spite of the urgent recommendation on a provisional basis.

The judge, not filed in the medical record. The practice assistant had been the state attorney, whether on the phone at all relating to fruit water been discussed. This survey took place however, 17 months after the telephone conversation. In addition, the TPA no longer knew who had made the entry in the medical record. The judge considered it in accordance with the principle “when In doubt, for the Accused” that there has been between the women in communication difficulties and misunderstandings. The judgment is not yet final.

Created: 04.12.2019, 09:32 PM