The green Tsunami is heading to the Federal administration. The Greens, more recently, a reduction of CO2 emissions by 2030 at a net zero. “We are clearly of the opinion that the total Federal administration must play an exemplary role,” says national councillor Bastien Girod, who met this week for the first time after the electoral victory of the party’s internal environmental group. So the Greens want to go further than the Federal Council has recently adopted a climate package for the management.

The net-zero claim, and the climate package, especially the defense Department VBS under pressure. This caused in the last year alone, 205’000 tons of CO2. Now, it shows that not only the planes and vehicles of the army of the climate damage – but also to the heaters. 2018 the CO2 accounted emissions for the VBS-real estate to just under 40’000 tons. This is the same as in the entire Federal administration.

thanks to a CO2 program could reduce the VBS to the emissions in recent years – a third of the heat is now generated with biomass, Biogas or district heating, but to come one third of Oil and Gas still to be used. 456 combustion plants 287 to be operated with Oil. You consumed in the past year, more than 5.5 million litres of fuel oil, such as the VBS on request are known. So you could heat 3000 average homes. In VBS there are also heating systems, the need in the year, hundreds of thousands of litres of Oil: they are not in barracks or on weapons courses. Leader is an Area in Sursee LU, where Laundry is located. In the last year, around 470’000 litres of fuel oil were burned. Building complex in Romont FR, Bremgarten, AG and Zurich-Kloten, ZH required per 200’000 litres.

“In the VBS, the number of heating systems with renewable energies is still too low, as there is a lot to be done in the coming years,” said GLP chief Jürg Large. The VBS is aware of this. Finally, the Federal Council has formulated in the climate package, the goal is to rehabilitate in Switzerland, the building for the entire Federal administration for energy. For the time being, the VBS wants to focus “on the buildings or locations with the largest consumption,” said in a statement. The Details should be in the coming year.

In the Federal administration, the balance sheet looks better. The Federal house, for example, and other administrative buildings in the city of Berne are connected to a district heating network. The energy comes from a plant in which waste is burned. This is not CO2-neutral, but still better than heating with Oil.

new buildings and renovations without Oil heaters

without Oil it is not, but also in the civilian Federal administration. Exclusively, or mainly, with Oil currently nine Complexes are heated with about 2000 jobs, as the Federal office for buildings and logistics has announced. In the coming years, Oil consumption is expected to decrease drastically. The largest CO2 is 2020-slingshot in the Federal administration out of operation: In the Institute of Virology and immunology in Bern means houses are operated plants that produce steam. Up to now, has been used for heating oil, now is converted to a local electric steam production.

in Addition, leaving the Federal government soon several with Oil heated properties, are also planned for a major renovation. The so-called Pentagon Area and in Berne, the consumed 2018 more than 120 tons of fuel oil, will be renewed starting in 2023. In the case of new buildings and renovations, the Federal government dispensed with generally to Oil-fired heating systems. This is also true for the VBS.

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Created: 09.11.2019, 22:51 PM