“Organizations require more protection for the forest”
“the More forests need to be protected and state skogsjätten Sveaskog management should be reviewed. It writes the representatives of the 23 environment – and these associations in an op-ed in Today’s News and launches at the same time, the appeal ”
“Behind the petition are, inter alia, Swedish society for nature conservation, Wwf and Greenpeace who has a positive view on the so-called januariavtalet between the government, the Centre party and the Liberals, where a new Sveaskogsprogram mentioned.”
“in Contrast, is critical to Sveaskog’s management and would like to see a greater sense of responsibility when it comes to sustainable forestry.”
“I want, therefore, to Several needed changes and set a number of demands on the government. Among other things, they want organizations to provide all state-owned forests with high conservation value long-term protection. It is also in that state, and Sveaskog will be in the forefront when it comes to ecosystem-based forestry:”