“Orostelefon anti-extremism legislation to shut down”

“the Save the Children hotline against våldsbejakande extremism shut down on Friday.”

“We can’t continue to run the business with their own financing, it is a state responsibility,” said Ola Mattsson, sweden country manager at Save the Children.”

“the Organization has been responsible for orostelefonen since February of 2017. The government ended its funding of the business in may of this year. Since then, the support line continued with Save the Children’s own resources.”

” We had hoped for a continuation. We have received signals from the government that there would be funding, but the authority (MUCF) as we are on their call searched the money of the has since announced that the allocation cannot be used for this type of activity, ” said Ola Mattsson.”

“– There are relatively small resources needed, and it seems unreasonable that the government can take that responsibility.”

“the Aim is to support relatives who feel concern for a person in their vicinity. The talks have been about the return krigsresenärer or persons who radicalized – mainly in the religious, islamist, and extremist right-wing circles but also leading.”

“If Save the Children can hope Ola Mattsson to any other academic organization can take over.”

“– the Need of the target group is large. The family has difficult to turn to anyone other than us, ” he says.”

“TT: What will be the consequence of the fact that the phone is lost?”

“– There is no national support for family members. It is an important group when it comes to preventing radicalisation. To be in such a situation is stigmatizing, and many are also afraid to address themselves directly to the authorities, or have tried and not gotten help.”

“Two responder and a project co-ordinator has worked with the line. A total of 260 calls received, which may seem small.”

“– But the group as such, is in a relative perspective, quite small. But each individual can constitute a fundamental threat to society. So it is a cheap effort, ” said Ola Mattsson.”